Chapter 1: Birthday Cake

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The sound of a soft, dainty melody floats through the air and bounces off my ears. 

I crack my eyes open and glance over at the source of the noise. My cell phone sits on the bedside table, a pre-set alarm causing the device to chime and buzz on que. 

Still groggy with sleep, I grab the chittering thing and quickly click the snooze button. 

Ahhhh. Sweet, blissful silence. 

My eyes drift shut once more, sleep beginning to creep towards my tired brain. I welcome the envelopment.

Just when I reach the boarder dividing the land of slumber and the land of the living, something else jostles my poor brain awake once again.

"Wwwwwake up Addie! Today is a verrrrrrry special day, little sis!" 

The voice of my way-to-peppy, older sister, Leia, rings in my sleep-sensitive ears, successfully waking me up entirely. 

I am so not a morning person like she is. I don't understand how anyone is. 

She's always sunshine and rainbows and giggles. 

And it is too effing early for that crap.

I open my swollen eyes to see my sister, beautiful and already put together for the day with long, straight black hair and a flowy, yellow dress.

She looks effortlessly beautiful this morning, and I am once again reminded  that I look like her opposite. It's not just in comparison to her though, it's to the entire family. They are all long legged, olive skinned, black haired, and dark eyed, beautiful people. 

I am a black sheep to them.

Where their hair is sleek straight and black as midnight, mine is ice blonde and wavy.

Where their skin is olive, tanned, and flawless, mine is pale and splattered with ruthless freckles.

While they have dark, sensual eyes that one could get lost into, my eyes are a cerulean blue.

Not to mention, they are all as tall as supermodels and rail thin. 

I, however, am standing tall at 5 feet, 2 inches, and am curvy as hell.

While I know I am not ugly, I can't help but to be jealous of my family's common qualities that they share with one another. The blend together as a family should. 

And I stick out like a sore thumb.

However, they never treat me any different because of our visual differences. I'm sure they've sensed my feelings of displacement; being that they all baby me and try their best to help me feel united with them.

I look different and I am gift-less.

I groan, remembering that she's waiting for a response.

"If today is so special, I really should rest a little more in preparation for it, Leia." I whine, pulling the heavy pillow over my head in an attempt to shut her out and get a few more minutes of much needed sleep.

Out of no where, my brother Matthew appears out of literal thin air, smiling while holding a pink frosted cupcake, an already lit candle juts out of the fluffy, glittered icing.

"You sure about that sis? You'll miss out on all of the good stuff." 

He flashes me his best big brother smile, extending the cupcake for me to take. 

I take the treat and try my best to smile at him and my sister. 

They are two years apart, Matthew being 22 and Leia being 20, and they are best friends with one another. They are both pretty protective of me, me being the youngest and all, almost to the point of being overbearing.

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