Chapter 5: First Impressions

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Photo Credit: ***Picture by @cloudsmello (Gracie KR) on Pinterest***

The closer I walk towards the Forbidden Forest, the larger the sense of dread grows in the pit of my stomach. I am now almost to the border of the tree-line, unable to turn away from this nightmare.

Four steps away now.

A sticky trickle of sweat slides down my back. 

Three steps away.

I try to turn, I try to dig my heels into the earth beneath my sneakers and run, but instead I continue straight for the trees.

Two steps.

"Come to me..." 

I feel the words as they slither through the unwanted connection. They feel like a violation.

One more step. 

And with that last step, I have now entered the danger zone. Unable to turn my own head freely, I observe what is in front of me in horror.

My eyes adjust to the dark blanket of atmosphere that now surrounds me, and I observe the stillness of the forest. 

To my surprise, it looks like a normal forest, a beautiful one actually.

It reminds me of a painting. 

The only thing that tells me that this isn't some horrible dream is the smell. I smell the damp earth mixed with rot as I tread deeper into the uncomfortably still scene before me.

Still walking towards my captor, I see that I am now stepping down a path. The path is narrow and severely overgrown. My shins snag across thorned vines that have spilled over onto the pathway. I internally wince at every step, unable to will my feet to step higher to avoid their viscous cuts and slashes. 

I notice something else.. Something off putting and strange. Abnormal for this deep in the forest. 

Apart from the crunch of my footfalls onto damp leaves, this place is quiet. 

I do not hear insects, nor animals, nor the rustling of trees or branches from the breeze. Almost as if the wind does not reach here, similar to the absence of the sun's rays.

A chill runs down my spine, and I swear I feel a vile smile from the other end of the mental connection in response.

I'm so fucked. 


I've lost count of how many steps I've taken into this godless place. I've turned around so many corners and seen so many trees that I have no idea how to get out, even if I were able to. I can't help but feel that this is not happenstance. It's meant to confuse and trick me. 

"You're a smart little thing, aren't you?" I hear in my mind. The voice is hissing and deep, menacing and vile. 

"Fuck you." I manage to think in response, unwilling to play into it's taunts.

But still, I tread through the thicket and briar, unable to keep from the lure of whatever waits for me at the end of this path.

A dry, wicked chuckle is the only response I receive from my ballsy remark.

I look forward, the only way I'm allowed to, and see that I'm headed toward a particularly large briar bush. It's thorns are red, long and skinny, narrowing into a fine lethal point. It's decorated with hundreds-no thousands- of them. I internally wince at the foreseen damage it is about to reap across the flesh of my thighs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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