Found memory

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This quiet evening, Eido had come to see Blight and learn about the history of the tower. She's never actually got into the details of the tower and now she was gonna know.

"Eido. You're here. Good." Blight looked stone-heartedly serious.

"Blight, you don't need your emotional barrier up around me. I know you're still upset and-"

"I dont know what you're talking about." Blight dismissed Eido's care for him.

She didn't seem too upset just taken aback at least. However, she knew the pressures of what Blight was going through.

"Now, shall I start?" Blight spoke.

Eido sat on the floor infront of him and listened closely whilst writing important things down.

Blight taught Eido carefully and causiously, not wanting to cause panic in Eido for the past actions of the people.

Eido listened ever so closely, writing everything down.

Blight slightly cast his gaze upon Eido, and saw a glimpse of something familiar in her eyes. A quiet student. A friend. His brother.

Blight's voice buckled under pressure of the familiarity. He pushed forward with his lesson.

(Time skip)

"Thank you so much, Blight for teaching me about your towers histoy!" Eido spoke, excitedly. An expression twisted on her face to look like a smile.

Blight smiled slightly back at her, still seeing the familiarity in her eyes.

"Anytime Eido, I'm always open to teaching again." Blight spoke.

He felt like teaching was just part of who he was and pondered about his past life for a while.

Eido turned to leave and waved goodbye before returning to her father. Blight waved back and quickly turned back to his office, exhaling a long and heavy breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"I saw it... That look... Thorax." Blight felt like he was losing his mind.

Everything reminded him of his brother. He never really realised how much Thorax had an impact on his life until now. But now was too late. He needed to tell him before he died. Too late. Fuck.

Blight's thoughts fell on him like broken hyms of sorrow and wrapped him in his own guilt and failure. He felt ungrateful to have someone like Thorax in his life for that long, especially with Karma being missing for over 100 years.

When Blight first met Thorax, he didn't expect Thorax to be the type of person to stick around with him, yet Thorax amazingly proved him wrong. He also thought for a while that Karma had sent him to replace them. Again, he was wrong. Every logical reasoning now seemed wrong.

Blight needed time to think and rest. His mind was too heavy with brokenness that his logically thoughts felt theoretical now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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