Chapter 2

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"I just don't want to cozy up to the guy whose girl I have every intention of stealing."
~Aprilynne Pike



Hey people!
Here is the next chapter.... And I have dedicated this chapter to my lovely friend tabassum. She had her birthday on 24th May and so tabi this is a gift for you from my side :* May you have many more... Have a woderful life ahead...
So, yes this is the second chapter and ummm... Thats all!! Enjoy!!


Finally he spoke,

"Hi... Ummm.. How is she?"

pointing towards my mom with his eyes. I didn't knew what to say because I never spoke to him before. I know its weird that I didn't because he is my cousin and you know but its just we never had a chance to talk. He was always busy and I never left my room and also because he lived on first floor while my room was on ground floor and also because obviously I was shy.

I replied without making an eye contact and looking at my bare feet,

"Ummm... Better but not that good."

"Can I come in? "

He asked not even hesitating a little. I started panicking and saw the clock again not because I didn't knew the time, I was just trying to show him how late it was to talk or to come in my room.

"I know it's too late for me to come but you know you are going to be my wife and we have to talk and know about each other."

When he said the word wife I felt a bit dizzy. He had actually considered me being his future wife. Was I blushing? Oh yes I was. I smiled at him and replied to him in a very low whisper so mom doesn't get disturbed.

"I know it is really important for us to talk about ourselves but this is not the right time, we tomorrow morning...if your not busy of course."

He noded and said,

"Yeah I guess your right...sorry I disturbed you this late. It's really stupid of me I should have thought of it before, sorry again."

I smiled and told him it was fine and he went away saying goodnight. I closed the door and went to sleep. Oh boy! I think I'm going to be dreaming about this the whole night. Oh wait, shit! I forgot we were getting married TOMORROW that is why he came to talk. I'm so dumb....well what can I do now? Maybe I should probably sleep. So I closed my eyes and was soon asleep.

I woke at six next morning. Mom was sleeping peacefully. I could see the relief on her face. I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself. While I was eating a boiled egg I heard someone ask me,

"Mind if I join? "

I turned my head and saw Saad standing. I smiled and nodded a yes. He was wearing black tuxedo and a light blue shirt with a navy blue tie. Let me be straight, he was looking hot. He was tall about six feet or something and looked very manly and mature but not too mature. He was smart and dashing and also a person to die for. Girls must have been crazy about him. He saw me checking him out and smirked. Oh shit! I'm sooo stupid.

He sat in front of me. I asked him if he wanted something to eat. He said he was fine and had his breakfast in his room. Then I sarted eating mine. After a long awkward silence he finally spoke,

"Are you happy with this marriage?"

I didn't looked at him because I didn't knew what to say. I didn't even thought of it whether I was happy or not. I think I was happy because mom was. Watching me remain silent, he repeated his question again. At which I spoke,

"I don't know, I didn't thought of it. I'm happy that mom is happy. I always saw you as nothing more than my cousin."

I had nothing more to say so I became quite. To see his expression, I glanced at him. He was staring at me with those big blue eyes. Oh God! Why do he always do that? I couldn't resist his staring so I closed my eyes and started eating my breakfast. Then I thought maybe he was waiting for me to ask him the same so I did.

"What about you? Are you happy?

He didn't answered my question and asked me another one,

"Do you like someone?"

I nodded a no.

"Well I do."

At this I looked at him surprised, why didn't he told uncle about it? Why did he said yes? There were so many questions popping in my mind and I asked him one.

"Why are you marrying me then?"

He remained quite for a long time probably thinking what to say next or maybe asking my question to himself that why was he marrying me. He straightened himself and made an eye contact with me and with all confidence said,

"To give you shelter and protection, that is what your mom and my dad wants. And marrying me is the only way to give you that because your mom doesn't trust anyone except for me and my dad."

"You don't need to have pity on me",

I told him while putting emphasis on the word pity when he confessed about loving someone else.

"I can tell everyone that I don't want to marry you. Please don't spoil your life because of me. I don't want to get blamed in the end."

I said this while staring in his eyes. He was staring me back with his eyes wide open, he was probably shocked of what I just told him.

"I know you can do that and I'm not having pity on you. I marrying you is your mother's last wish and I have to obey and fulfill it no matter what. You should not worry about my personal life."

Saying this he left me in shock. I was shocked on his seriously why should I worry about his life when I have my own problems to worry about. I asked myself and surprisingly found my answer too....
I don't want to get blamed that's all!


Hey lovely readers!
So, I finally updated the next chapter... I know I know I took it too long to update but hey I was damn lazy... Btw how was the new chapter? Did you liked it? If you did please please please vote and comment... Your feedback is necessary for me... And all u silent readers... Oh common you will not die by pressing a vote button.. Lol


Anyways lets come to the story...
*Why is Saad marrying Amna?
*Why is he cool with the fact that he loves someone else and is still marrying Amna?
*And is Amna going to say 'i do' or will she refuse on the day of her nikah?
Find out in the next chapter... Till then vote and follow me if you haven't... Trust me I'll follow you back!

Stay cool and stay blessed,
*Muaaahhh*.... *hug* ❤

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