Chapter 4

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"Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story."
~Jennifer Smith



Hey guys, im back in business...well first of all RAMADAN KAREEM to all the muslims out there! And im very sorry for not updating because my first year of college sucked and it kept me busy as hell...Well here is the new update I hope u guys like it :)


Saad's POV:

I was waiting impatiently for someone to come and tell me that Amna has refused to marry me, refused to take me as her husband, refused for letting her life being destroyed , so i could go back to Eman and tell her that I was all hers and she would never have to see me with someone else ever again.. And me and Eman could have a happily ever after. But that never happened!

My wait was killing me, Why was she taking soo long to refuse? This question was bugging me again and again.. And then Dad came in.. His face was glowing with happiness.. NO! Looking at him made me realize that she had said yes but I still waited for my Dad to tell me what ever he came for...

"Congrats Son, Amna has signed the papers.. Its your turn now "

I felt the Earth shake and my feet felt lifeless... Thank God I was sitting on my Arm chair or else I would have fell on the floor. I couldn't believe my ears this was definitely not happening... Not with me... What should I do? 'Say yes.. Just like she did'.. Someone inside me spoke. Should I listen to this voice? I though to myself. 'Trust me... Say'll regret it afterwards!'

How could I marry someone that I never even talked to or even noticed. Amna was always in her room with Aunt. She had no friends, she always kept herself isolated from others. It kind of made me feel bad for her. Living all alone with my mom was a very difficult task for me moreover letting my mom take my life decisions and agreeing to her every command smiling was also something I would never do. Amna was strong enough that she kept smiling even after her father's death and now that her mom was about to leave her forever. She deserved better than me... She was a precious diamond that not everyone could afford. She was special..

I was pulled out of my thoughts when dad asked me if I was ready. I simply nodded yes. And then I was asked...

"Saad Ahmad, son of Ahmad Javaid, do you take Amna Khan, daughter of Fazal Khan, as your wife with the Haq Mehr of 25 million?"

I simply said Yes! All the three times they asked me the same question. My heart was racing fast and I could see flashes of Eman smiling and then I realized I was not hers anymore.. I was marrying to Amna now. Eman would surely kill me or herself after hearing this all. I signed the papers with the thoughts of how Eman would react on this news.

I loved Eman soo damn much, if Amna would have never appeared in my life I would have married Eman, would have made her the happiest person on Earth would have lived a happily ever after. But its no use of thinking this all.. Anger filled my heart for letting Amna snatch away my love of life from me... For ruining my life. I wanted to stay away from Amna as far as possible and never see her face again but I was forced to live with her now... Forever!

But its not her fault either, she told you to backoff from this all situation...she wanted to free you from this all...she told you that she did not want to ruin your life and get herself blamed in the end... And now... Now you're blaming her!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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