Chapter 3

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"Marriage is the proper way of establishing correct and premissible relationships between men and women"
~Dr bilal Philips



Heyyyy.... How are my lovely readers? Why i updated late... Well the reason is given at the end of the chapter... So this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Fajjar ... So yeah this is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it.. :)


Our Nikah was to be held at 6 pm. Mum was lying on the bed and I was cleaning my room because my nikah was to be held in my room as mum was not allowed to leave her bed. When I was done I took a shower, wore a red dress that mom had told me to wear. There were no guests invited only me, mom, Saad, Uncle Ahmad and Aunt Ayesha were attending our nikah. I did no makeup but mom insisted me to atleast put on a lipstick so I had to.

I wanted her to be happy and well she was pretty much happy as I could see a smile plastered on her face when I was getting ready. She gave me a warm hug, the one which I actually needed because although I was trying to be strong in front of her I was actually breaking from the inside. Breaking so bad that i could hear myself shatter into tiny tiny pieces. But the only thing which was not letting me fall was my faith in Allah. I knew that He will always look after His people and will always love them.

The time was literally flying and I was getting nervous minute by minute. I had never imagined marrying someone who was obviously not mine and was in love with someone else and was forced to marry me. Well what can I say my life totally sucks at this moment. I was brought back from my thoughts when someone knocked the door and that made me jump from my seat and my heart started to beat as fast as it could like it would explode. It was time to start a new life... My inner voice told me.

I opened the door and saw Aunt Ayesha standing there smiling at me. Her smile brought warmth to my heart and I felt it coming back to the narmal speed.

"You look beautiful. MashaAllah"

She told me and then after staring at me for a long time she finally spoke

"Are you ready?"

Placing a hand on my shoulder.

This is it. My inner voice spoke.

I so wanted to say No and run away from them...far away that i would never see them again... I wanted to tell her it was wrong to force him to marry me.. He.. He loved someone else.. Someone who was not me. But when I glanced towards my mom I saw that peaceful smile on her lips and eyes filled with tears... Tears of happiness.

I couldn't say anything after looking at her and I nodded a yes...just to see that smile on my moms face that gave me the strength I never thought of having. Her smile was the only reason that I was still not shattered after all that happened to me... Maybe it was the only reason for me being strong.

"Then should I bring the papers?"

She snapped me out of my thoughts. I, without any expression, tilted my head towards my mom and said,

"Whatever she says."

My mind had gone blank I didn't knew what to do and the only thing that came to my mind was 'whatever mom will say I'll do it' and that's why I asked Aunt Ayesha to ask mom. Maybe I had a little hope that mom will say no and that will save my life but that never happened. Mom obviously said 'yes' and the next thing you know was me signing the papers that would change my life forever.

Papers that would force me on someone else... That someone who was already on love with some girl he would never make an eye contact with after signing these papers. While I was holding the papers I paused and then everything came flooding to my mind...

What was I doing with my self... And specially with Saad I can't just ruin his life... He has a perfect life and me... I am not even worth him.. I can't let mom force me into this relationship.. Its not her right to do this... I was suppose to choose whom I wanted to marry not her... This was not fair... I wish dad was here and nothing like this would have happened. I wish I could hug him one more time... BUT NO IT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN I HAVE AND I ALWAYS HAVE TO COMPROMISE ON MYSELF!

And then I heard my inner voice spoke

'But you can't let your mom worry about you anymore...she have always worried about you and she never did a second marriage JUST.BECAUSE.OF.YOU... so stop being selfish!'

A tear escaped my eyes and landed on the papers

" I can do this"

I told myself and then I heard them ask...

"Amna Fazal Khan, daughter of Fazal Khan, do you take Saad Ahmad, son of Ahmad Javaid as your husband with the Haq Mehr (Dower for the bride from the groom) of 25 million?"

I nodded and said Yes.I was asked again and I nodded and said yes. And the third time when I was asked I so wanted to say No...I soo wanted to tell them that I dont but the only word that escaped from my lips was 'Yes'... It was almost a wispher. And then the reality hit me I was Saad's wife now! My name was not Amna Fazal Khan but it was Amna Saad. I had given him myself just to please my mom. What had I done...

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I signed the papers. There was no way I could rewind the time and say no...I was Amna Saad now, wife of Saad Ahmad. My tears kept on escaping my eyes and everything turned foggy. Then I was brought into a warm hug and the familiar scent made me sob more and more. Mom was holding me tight and whispering that it was ok and that she was sooo proud of me and telling me that if dad was here he would have been proud too..

I wish dad was here with me I was missing him alot... I wish he could see me sign those papers... I wish he could wipe away my tears and hold me in his warm embrace I wish I wish I wish....I opened my eyes to see if only if dad would be standing there ready to hold me but no he was would never... He left me... He left us all... He... I started to cry more and more realizing that I would be left alone in the dark and one day mom will leave me too... I hugged her tight so She would never leave me.... Ever!


Heyya..... Okey okey sorry I know I took it soo long to update... I... Umm yeah I was suffering from a disease... Umm its called aagh... Yeah its called 'The Laziness-at-its-peak' :p
Well i know its a short update because I just told you im suffering from the disease mentioned above dehehehehe
Ok now back to the chapter.


Man I just can't believe she said 'Yes' I mean lol I obviously wrote it but you know what I mean anyways lets see what happens next...
*Will Saad say Yes or No? Muahahahahahaha
*What will happen to Emaan if he says Yes?
*And what will happen to Amna if he says No?
Find out in the next chapters.

~Plus the pic I posted is of the dress Amna wore its simple but I still like it.

Anyways now please please please comment and vote (also the silent readers -.- idk whats wrong with you guys press a button and thats all)

I will Inshallah update soon in this weak maybe if im not busy of course that would be a peace giving :)

Bye my lovely readers...
Hugs and kisses..
Ramadan Kareem
Maheen ❤

Forced to be YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora