Once Upon a Time: The Last New Moon

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Once upon a time... there was a rose that fell in love with the moon. They both shared a kiss underneath the stars and as the moon started to fade away they got locked into each other's arms, and before they could even pull away from the magic of their hands that sent electricity within their veins they both came to realize that earth and space were alike, and they had both just traveled through space and time to get to one another and the moon felt the same way as her because he always wanted by any means least to get to her for she was the star he had first explored of the night and that was the one time he felt that even if he tried could he even get those moments back that are now becoming constellations of the night in the stars where the direction is as far away as close to Mars because even though tomorrow had become today it was only years from them that seemed to have gone away but if she were the one wouldn't she be worth it to him to cross the line for or is it just a coincidence that both of them had met inside the same dream and are not connected to the same moments in reality as place and time may seem to not even matter to either of them, but they slowly have come to a conclusion that they are willing to run into each other and hopefully see each other soon, and I know that things may not have worked out as they should but meanwhile I hope that we will be able to figure something out and hopefully can connect soon?

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