Cuddles with young justice!

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——————————————————ship: supermartian, not too much but birdflash is present
Summary: Basically the title with fluff and angst (they know robs identity )
3rd pov:
It was late at night around 2am and M'gann was floating down the corridor of the mountain to get a glass of milk, until she suddenly stopped by Robin's room. She dropped to her feet and her knees felt weak. M'gann grabbed the wall for support. She could feel immense pain coming of robin in waves. Connors room was right next to where her hand had smacked  the wall loudly, keeping her on her feet, and he opened the door, groggily rushing out of his room and to her side.

"Are you alright?" He was tired yet concerned for his girlfriend and curious as to why she was sweating. M'gann grabbed his arm and leaned on it. "Connor, it's Dick. He's in pain!" She whisper yelled , crying. "I don't know what's wrong!" She was balling at this point, Robin's feelings projecting on to her.

Superboy could hear Dick panting and whispering words like "stop" "no" "I'm sorry" and more. Connor stood there helping m'gann and didn't move until they heard a scream. Then they ran into the room.

Robin pov:
"Mami! Tati! No!" They just kept falling, falling, falling, why couldn't they fly? They flew before! Please mami! Please Tati!

The image changed, now it was the team, Roy, and Bruce on the platform. "This is your fault. If only you told them about the wires." 

First, Artemis fell. "NO ARTY!"

Then kaldur "KAL!"


"CONNOR NO!" I sobbed. Please please I need them don't go...


"WALLY! WALLY PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE BAR! PLEASE WALLS! I love you.. please.." I crumpled. Looking up, Bruce looked down on me.
"You caused this."

"Bruce wait, b please. I need you! PLEASE! BRUCEE!! NO!"

It was all in vain. The begging, the screaming and crying. It didn't matter.

They're all gone. All of them. Nonono. I looked at their crumpled bodies on the floor.

"AAHHHH!!" I screamed.

I woke with a start. Panting, sweating and sobbing. No. No. They weren't gone.. they can't be g- just then my door opened and I cried if relief. M'gann.. Connor.. they were alive.. I got up on shaking knees and I all but ran to them. Gripping Connor like a lifeline.

3rd pov:
Before Connor could react, robing gripped his shirt and cried "your alive. Supey.. M'gann.." he let go of Connor with one hand and used it to grip M'gann's.

Connor and M'gann looked at each other. 'Should we bring him to the main room?' and Connor nodded. Connor picked up Dick and took him to the room, M'gann was still holding his hand and she floated next to him.

When they got there, Wally was eating a granola bar. He looked at the group of 3 and sprinted to Dick immediately checking him for injuries. "Dickwhatswrongareyouhurtwhathappeneddidyouhaveanothernightmareareyouhungrycanigetyousomethingany-!" "Babe. Please...not right now.." dick said, meekly. "sorry..but hey! You know what this means! CUDDLE PILE!" Wally yelled and at that moment Artemis came in smacking Wally on the back of the head. "shut up baywatch" she turned to see Roy and Kaldur coming in.

"My friends. What are you doing up? It's..." Kaldur trailed of checking the clock "2:34 in the morning.." Roy continued for him. When everyone was here, M'gann spoke up. "Robin had a nightmare so I accidentally woke up Connor and we heard him scream. We went in and he ran to Connor and hugged him saying 'your alive' I assume his nightmare was about some or all of us dying..." she said with tears brimming her eyes.

"Welp! Cheer up! Cuddle pile!" Wally said grabbing things to make a fort. "I guess for once I agree with him." Artemis said. "Hm." Connor hummed his agreement and carried rob to Wally. Wally took him from Connor and led down with him. Dick snuggled into Wally's chest.
Kaldur positioned himself with Wally and Dick's heads on his lap. Roy hugged robin from behind and Artemis behind him doing the same holding one of robins hands. M'gann led behind Wally holding Robin's other hand. And then Connor cuddling her.

That was how their mentors and Black Canary found them the next day. None of them had the heart to wake them up so Batman did, although he didn't want to he proceeded anyway.

"Children." Bats whisper yelled. Superboy work up first due to his enhanced hearing. "Hmmmnngg" he groaned waking kaldur up in the process. Kaldur looked disoriented until he saw Aquaman "my king, apologies I must've slept in." "No worries kaldur'ahm it happens." Arthur replied.

"Ughhhh" Artemis and Roy woke up, leaving M'gann, Wally and Dick. "You kids looked like you had fun." Green arrow smirked. "Shut up old man" Roy replied groggily. "M'gann.. wake up" Connor muttered, shaking her lightly. "Mhm I'm awake con.." she mumbled. she rolled over disturbing Wally, waking him up.

"Ughhh is it morning already?.." he asked. "Yes walls it is" Roy told him. Barry laughed lightly getting a nudge from superman. "How do we wake him up?" Dinah asked, turning to Bruce.

"Wait!" M'gann whisper yelled. Making everyone turn to her. "He didn't sleep much yesterday." Roy told them. "He woke from a nightmare so we decided to sleep together." Wally finished. It was all in vein tho becuase they woke him up anyways.

"Mmm babe.." Robin muttered. "Hm? What's up Dickie" Wally replied. "Too early.." Robin snuggled more into Wally's chest, who in turn laughed, his chest rumbling slightly. "robin?" Batman asked. Robin shot up and looked around. He ended up flopping back down when he noticed the amount of people here.

"Sorry.." he told them. "There's nothing to apologise for boy wonder ." Artemis reassured. "Ok.." he mumbled .

"I believe we should all go to our designated homes or rooms my friends." Kaldur suggested. "I don't see why not." Roy agreed.

And so, Royn and Artemis went back with GA, Kaldur with Aquaman, Connor and M'gann went to Connor'a room, Wally and Robin went back to the manor. Robin probably went to sleep some more with Wally. But we don't question it.

Wordcount- 1045

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