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Summary: just a vigilante bingo idea :D kinda trash tho.
Also! Spoilers! Mentions of blockbuster and death! But it's angst treated like crack.
3rd pov:
Dick liked to make jokes about his trauma. No, seriously, he tended to make dark humor, and it was an outlet. It wasn't like he could just keep it inside and let it fester until it bursts out in a fit of frustration or vulnerability.

He just made it seem all light hearted. And maybe it was, until he inevitably found himself pouring over every interaction for hours late at night.

Regardless, there was a favorite game of his they played sometimes called, ✨ vigilante bingo ✨. Sparkles not included.

The game went on for a bit, with generic questions about teams and names, and soon it led to more... more. He didn't know how to elaborate on that.

"Trained by assassins (and the like)?"

He very discreetly crossed that box out on the paper. ..Well Slade was a mercenary, but he was pretty sure it still counted.

"Died and came back to life?"

Well.... Hahaha, there was the whole thing with the Crime Syndicate.... Well he didn't think he was over that fully but it wasn't like they dealt with bombs that often. And he's been dying to make some shitty joke about having died once but as much as their relationships mended, they probably didn't know about it still. He'd keep it that way anyway.

Regardless.  S t r o k e .

If he didn't play the game truthfully and properly then what's the point, ya dig?

"..'Blackmailed or kidnapped by some shitty 2bit vil-' Who wrote this??" Tim recoiled from where he was squinting at the words.

Dick snorted, grinning. "Looks like someone has some pent up anger there. Check!" Honestly it could've been either him or Jason. Or both. He wasn't gonna say.

"Identity reveal?"

Check. Blockbuster. ...And maybe the Crime Syndicate.

"Bingo!" Dick called, grinning as the complaints ( "No way!" ) came in and someone snatched his paper.

('Orphan-with-sad-backstory-adopted-by-Bruce-Wayne (or free space, and yes Damian, you count)' - 'Died-then-revived' - 'Identity Reveal' - 'Undercover Mission' - Robin' )

The room froze. "Since when did you..?"

He blinked, before his mind caught up with his mouth and he mentally screamed at the realization. "Uh."

"What the fuck? Since when did you die?"

"Uhm- I mean it was only a few minutes, it wasn't that bad. I don't even remember it! ..Actually I don't think you're meant to.. Huh." He laughed awkwardly.

"Dick. What the fuck." Jason repeated his earlier phrase. "You still– Why didn't you tell anyone?!"

"Errrr- I did but you kinda accused me of lying, which is fair, because even after that I was gone for a while, but.."

His little brother groaned. "..Not my finest moment, but I was grieving, and then you were alive, and I was just so mad . You.. still had an excuse though. Dying unsettles... everyone. If you needed a break that was fine, I just wished you told someone."

'I told Bruce' went unsaid. Things were still a little tense at times, and he was just happy that they were all able to live mostly peacefully under the same roof.

"Well I always seem to come back. ..Did you really doubt me?"

Jason frowned, eyebrows pinched together. "Dumbass- you weren't seen for months , what was I supposed to think?"

Dick shrugged. "I guess so." ..Admittedly, he couldn't remember too much from then. "Would you accept it if I told you it was an undercover mission? That's part of my bingo by the way."

"..But what does your death have anything to do with that?"

"Trust? Maybe? I don't actually remember. I mean.. ...but it was called the murder machine. Y'know I don't think I'd wanna touch anything called that with a ten-foot-pole."

His brother just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "..No shit. Do you.. need to talk about this ? I mean- I don't know how you do things, but this is the first I'm hearing of that."

He blinked. "Are you asking how I cope???"

" Yes????

(" Okay- why does bingo have to include work talk?" " Because it's about work???" "But now they're having their awkward brother make-up talk!")
wordcount: 715

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