Chapter 2 Mori's POV

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I stretched my hand, trying to reach the knife I had hidden while I was held down.

"Now, why do you struggle to love? You know it's pointless." The grip on my wrists tightened as I scowled at the figure hovering above me.

Glaring, I attempted to twist my body away, yet his grip tightened.

"Now, love, don't try to escape; you know the consequences." His eyes lit up with an evil glint. I froze, thinking of a strategy to escape my current predicament.

A sharp knock interrupted him, a scowl covering his face as he got up to open the door.

I struggled to slip the knife up my sleeve.

After getting dressed, he motioned for me to follow him, and I reluctantly followed.

I was led down several corridors, the walls becoming grimier the further we went, and a sickening silence filled the air.

"I'm not particularly fond of what's about to happen," Gabriel commented, slowing his pace until he was beside me.

"That's a first," I mumbled, walking faster.

"Your father is going to come by soon, he didn't specify when, so I thought id give you a heads up."

"Why?" I asked as my blood ran cold, trying to rack my brain for the cause of his visit.

"Some new procedures and new partners visiting the facility." He replied as he pushed the doors in front of us.

"No," I said as I turned to leave the horror in front of me.

The doors were thick and soundproof, and a glass tank in the center with a wooden chair attached to a lift system stood at the top.

A single light illuminated the room, and If I didn't focus hard enough, I could avoid the blood stains on the floors and walls.

"No, please, not this! I pleaded, my eyes wild with terror as the chair was lifted and placed on the platform.

"I'm afraid it must be done," Gabriel sighed as the platform rose; the murky water of the tank stayed menacingly still as the chair rose to the top.

"You need to learn to obey." He stood below me with a sick smile beside the lever.

I opened my mouth to scream, protest, and attempt to convince him to stop, yet the lever was pulled before I could say anything, and I was plunged into the icy depths.

I never did get used to the feeling of being plunged into the water; it always started with a shock; the fact that with each plunge, I was kept under for more prolonged periods didn't precisely help.

Focus, relax

The water in the tank was slightly more transparent, meaning that not many had been before me.

"The trick is to let yourself float."

My lungs were screaming for air, yet I stayed under, feet bound as the chair sunk deeper. I let my body go utterly loose as I tried to clear my thoughts.

"The key is to not panic; if you panic, you'll sink."

A boy appeared before me, I knew the lack of oxygen was causing this, yet I didn't struggle under the increasing pressure.

The figure reached out a hand, and I felt it on my cheek; it felt calm and safe, the pain in my lungs stopped, and I was in a field.

A sunset stood before me, the figure now slightly more apparent; it was a boy, he still appeared blurry, yet I could make out his curly hair as he glowed against the backdrop of the setting sun.

"You do remember how to swim?" he asked as he stood before me.

I gave him a confused look, his face suddenly shifting into focus, yet before I could register it, the ground above me gave way, and I was once again underwater.

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