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I'm gonna give myself questions, and have to answer them. If you have more questions for me comment please, and I'll answer them as soon as I can.

Sterek=Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale
Movie or TV Show: Teen Wolf
Where to Watch: Hulu

•Why do you ship Sterek?
•Is Sterek canon?
•(If Sterek isn't canon answer this question) Why do you think Sterek should be canon?

1. I ship Sterek because in the first season of 'Teen Wolf' it seemed like Derek didn't like Stiles until he got closer, and closer, and started to protect him, also Stiles and Derek go back in forth saving each other in the later seasons. For Example: Like Stiles trying to save Derek in season three with Jackson when Derek was paralyzed, and Stiles had to keep Derek above water, and another example is when Derek found out that his uncle was the alpha and protected Stiles.(I love these two)

2. No. But I wish it was.

3. I think Sterek should be canon because they seemed like they would have made a pretty good pair, and Jeff(I think this is his name correct me if I'm wrong) hinted that Stiles was maybe a bisexual.

Please comment if you have a question or miss something, or I got something wrong.

Also please vote and follow me. You can also comment your opinions down if you want. I would love to know your favorite ship or what do you think about Sterek and the other ships I'm gonna go over.

I'm writing this chapter at school so once I get home I'm going to probably put a picture on each chapter just in case you guys don't know who Sterek is, or how they look.

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