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Hannigram=Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham
Movie or TV Show: Hannibal series
Where to Watch: Hulu and Netflix(If it's still on there)

•Why do you ship Hannigram?
•Is Hannigram canon?
•(If Hannigram isn't canon answer this question) Why do you think Hannigram should be canon?

1. Because first of all, Hannibal confessed to loving Will. Second of all it was very obvious, Bryan Fuller may have not gave us no kiss or anything, but it was pretty obvious. Also, when the Hannibal thought Will was dead he killed a man for him.(I believe he killed Tobias, because he thought he killed Will) Also Will did the same exact thing, he thought someone(I forgot who) killed Hannibal, and killed them.

2. Yes. Hannibal confessed his love for Will when asked, and Bryan Fuller said it.

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