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After the death of the Dark Lord, the Doom Slayer falls into a deep sleep for one hundred million years.

100,000,000 years later 

The Slayer finally awakens from his sarcophagus and finds a note. 

Dear Ancient One 

We have left the world of Remnant after finding the humans there to be unworthy of our presence, we recommend returning to it to see what your people have gotten up to after all this time. 

From The God of Darkness and The God of Light 

Slayer (thoughts): What has happened in my absence?

The Doom Slayer generates a portal to return to "Earth" and finds himself in a alley way.

Slayer (thoughts): It seems nothing has chan--- 

The Slayer notices a infant in the corner 

Slayer (thoughts): okay this is new.

The Slayer notices a tag on the box that states: take this useless thing

Slayer (thoughts): I have the urge to kill something.

The Slayer picks up the box and the child

Slayer: Don't worry I will protect you.

Child: (tears rapidly falling) 

Slayer: I should probably give you a name, how about valory?

Child: (shakes head)

Slayer: Okay then, how about Neopolitan?

Neo: (nods) 

The Slayer opens another portal and takes Neo with him.  

Slayer: (looks at the open forest) This is where we are going to live.

Neo: (nods) 

A beowolf jumps at Neo and The Slayer punches it through a tree before twelve more show up and all begin to attempt to attack Neo but the Slayer gets in the way, he rips of the head of the first one, skewers the second on on a tree, cuts the third in half, kills four with a single shot from the super shotgun, crushes another ones skull with his boot, snaps the neck of two of them and rips apart the last but then the alpha shows up and it dwarfs The Doom Slayer thus he pulls out the sentinel hammer and crushes its skull with a singular strike. 

Afterwards the Slayer begins construction on a wooden shack for Neo and him to live in for the foreseeable. 

6 months later

The Slayer has finished construction of the wooden shack and has made a room for Neo. 

The Slayer creates a portal into the closest town and goes to a shop which sells a item which looks similar to an iPhone from his world and approaches a employee 

Employee: How can I help Yo---------

Slayer: (points at scroll and heavy metal initializes)

Employee: Sir do i understand you correctly? Do you just want a scroll? 

Slayer: (nods and heavy metal intensifies)

Employee: Just take it and please leave you are freaking out the customers. 

Slayer: (takes the scroll and creates a portal back home which he walks through) 

Employee: It would be easier to just become a crime boss than this, you know what I quit. 

(And this is how this universes Roman Torchwick decided to become a criminal) 

 5 years later

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