And they all fuckin trusted me

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Helloo again! Fin here, if I'm being honest mastermind Shuichi is one of my favourite AUs outta the entire Dr fandom so I just had to write a chapter using it. I am trying my best to stick to Canon personalitys but I apologise if I dont.

This chapter will contain
. Mentions of abuse
. suicide??
. Some cringe ass death

To summarise
This chapter will start midway through trial 6 just before they figure Shuichi is behind this whole thing.
In place of Kokichi, Tsumugi got killed as due to Kokichi being a fan favourite Shuichi had to keep him alive.
Tsumugi never went to the bathroom during case 1. And keebo doesn't exist bc I only remember a day and a bit after starting this he exists.

9:43 pm
Shuichi's Pov:

"Why are you all looking at me?!" I yelled. Everyone suspected me as the mastermind! I can't possibly be the mastermind!
"Your the only person I can think of, all the clues add up. You added all the clues up." Fuck. No. I've dug my own grave.. I dropped my head and started down at my feet.
"Heh," All eyes were on me.
"AH-HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed. I had been found out! All this hard work for nothing!
"You got me! It's true, I have been masterminding this whole thing! And you twats trusted me just like that!" The looks on there faces was priceless! They trusted me so easily, yet I'm the reason there killing eachover!
"Liar!" I turned my head to the purple hair on my left.
"There's no way in hell your the mastermind! For fuck sake you wouldn't of killed Kaede!" Kokichi screamed at me.
"But yet I did. I killed them all. Kaede, Kirumi, Korekiyo, Gonta and even Kaito." Maki's eyes widened as I said the last name.
"Heh, all of them! I have a whole world to entertain! Just because you think I care for someone doesn't mean I do!" This argument was more amuzing then writing there character even tho I know what there gonna say and when!
"Wait what do you mean 'whole world to entertain'?" Maki looked at me with a puzzled expression as she asked. I giggled to myself.
"Well you see Maki-Roll-"
"Don't you ever call me that!"
"Don't interupt me. Anyways as I was saying, everything around you even yourselfs are fiction! All of it! These aren't your real personalitys!" I pointed at Kokichi.
"You think he was always a lying manipulative person! No! Belive it or not but before Danganronpa he was a shy nervous abused kid with no friends!" Kokichi started up at me.
"I was what!" Usually the shock in his eyes would be fake, but this time it was real. He believed he was always how he is now. A 'supreme leader of evil'. No! He was once a wimp!
"This is a show for the outside world! Danganronpa! My master peice!" I couldn't help but laugh once again.

Maki's Pov:

Shuichi's laughter filled the trial room. The detective I and Kaito had come to trust turned out to be the mastermind! All these trials were fake tears! I was about ready to end him myse-.
"Maki you will not be killing me." Shuichi said through his laughter. I fucking trusted him!
"Your so fuckin predictable! Well I did write your character so it's obvious I can predict what your gonna say." The innocence that once lied in his eyes was now gone and replaced with a unfamiliar despair. The sick bastard enjoyed our suffering! Our fucking cries for help, our screams as we got killed or executed!

//fun little time skip\\
10:10 pm

Shuichi's Pov:

This is amazing! I haven't had this much fun since the last Danganronpa season! It's ashame I let out the big secret though woulda been funner if they killed off someone else thinking they were the mastermind.
"Can't we just vote you! I can't stand your lying face!" Kokichi had yelled at me.
"The rules state unless I've killed someone you can't vote me. I am personally very strict on following my rules, hence why the punishment for breaking them is so... permanent." That's one of the only true things I've said this trial. If they vote me there all be executed! Actually no I've made  one exception to the rules 'only the blackened will be executed if found guilty'. Kaede never actually killed Ranraro, Tsumugi did. But Kaede was in my way and needed to go. Tsumugi's death was a last minute change.
"Now I'm getting quite bored of this trial. Let's just call it quits yeh?" I looked round at the remaining 3 people who were all shocked into silence.
"Another one of my rules state the killings will last until there's 2 people left and including me, there's 4 of us." I turned my head to monokuma.
"If you would be so kind and take over for me." I said to him as I stepped away from my spot in the trial.
"With pleasure, pu-pu-puu."

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