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Hello! It's Fin, i got bored last night and had come across a Nagito twitter page with gave me the urge to write Komahina smut. Also this is an au where Hajime and Kamukura are twins so Kamukura project never existed but Kamukura is still the Kamukura we knew in the anime //ability and talent wise\\. He also still got exposed to Junko causing his to still despair. I also haven't finished despair girls so Nagito is most likely gonna be different.

This story will contain:




Just a quick summary

Again this is inspired by something i found on twitter //Twitter is very inspiring\\ Right so, Hajime works with future foundation //Kamukura and Hajime twins au>>\\ and Nagito is a remnant of despair. The future foundation had capture a few of the remnants including Nagito and left them under Hajime's watch, Nagito becomes obsessed with the hope the foundation has to bring their hope back and because Hajime was keeping watch on the remnants he had to deal with Nagito obsessing. Obsessing leads to them fucking in an empty office.

Time ~ 2:41 pm

Hajime Pov:

I leaned back in my chair, it making strange sounds as i did so. It's mid November, so gets darker ealier now. From what I overheard they found a few of the remnants of despair and are bringing them here soon (Soon being some point today and i have been given the fun job of making sure they don't escape.) If i'm correct the names were: Peko Pekoyama, Sonia Nevermind, Fuyuhiko kuzuryu and Nagito Komaeda. There ultimates are: Ultimate swordswoman, Ultimate princess, Ultimate Yakuza and Ultimate Lucky Student. I don't know who thought it was a good idea for me to keep watch, i mean i'm related to a remnant (Izuru Kamukura) whose bright idea was it?

//Time skip\\

Time ~ 4:03 pm

Still Hajime Pov:

This is gonna sound weird but, one of the remnants are really attractive.. Naming names but Komaeda, he's attractive.. 10/10 would smash //Sorry i had to\\ All four of them were put in seprate rooms farthest from the exit. These rooms have a bed and thats it, they were told if they need anything to call me, but to be honest i plan on ignoring them. Komaeda was talking about hope as they took him into the room something about 'He loves the hope coming from us' Bit weird but each to their own i guess. Pekoyama and Kuzuryu seem to be close to each other because they were trying not to get separated, separation anxiety? Sonia seemed pretty chill, she just compiled and let them get on with it. My heart skipped a beat as i felt a tap on my shoulder, i quickly turned my head to one of my co-workers with a stern look on his face.
"Any of them get out and i swear i will end you. These things got my wife killed. I'm warning you Hinata." I swallowed back the words in my throat and nodded. It ain't my fault your wife got killed. My brother got turned to despair, atleast you don't have to deal with the filthy looks and the bitter comments. No you get sympathy and people caring about you!
"Think yourself lucky." I muttered under my breath in hopes ____ wouldn't hear //____ will be the name of nameless character such as co-worker.\\
"You say something Hinata?" ____ turned his head back around to face me. His eyes staring dead into mine.
"No, no I didn't. Must be hearing things." He turned back around after rolling his eyes and tuted at me and walked off muttering curses under his breath.

Nagito PoV:

Hinata-Kun? That is what the guy talking to him called him. He said Hinata. So that must be his name! Hinata-Kun and all the other members of the future foundation are just shining with hope. They go out of there way to help despair like us find hope again, just to stop the tragedy we helped start. I sat down on the bed, the springs screaming as if in pain. This is so much better compared to what I had when I was serving for the Warriors of Hope, even if it is just a bed with a rusted frame.
"Hinata-kun is so hopeful!" I spoke to myself mumbling about Hinata-Kuns hope. He looks familiar though. Reminds me of one of the other remnants.
"Hinata! You got a moment?" A female voice from outside the walls called.
"Great! It's about them four. The foundation big guys have called in and said we're gonna try the hope restoration program." She spoke softly, yet loudly.
"Isn't that incomplete though? It would be dangerous. And we haven't got all the remnants yet."
"That's what ____ said when we got word. But you know the higher ups, what they say goes."
"So we're treating them like lab rats basically? Testing the program on them?"
"Basically yeah.. Oh also! The guys and girl from hopes peak have located more remnants, I'm pretty sure your brother was mentioned to! The guys in the break room were on bout it. Something about 'Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki and Izuru Kamukura. Kamukura is your brother right?" I can only assume Hinata-Kun nodded because the woman started speaking again.
"I knew it! How come you to have different last names aren't you twins?"
"Yeh, but our parents gave us different surnames. I have our mother's and Izuru has our fathers."
"Ahh makes sense! Anyways ima go! I wanna go eavesdrop more break room convos. Cya later!" And with that the sound of heels clicking on the floor could be heard. I knew he looks familiar. He's Kamukura-Kuns brother! The sound of the chain around my neck filled the small box room as I lied down onto the creaking bed and stared at the fan spinning away on the white ceiling.

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