Part 4 Life Ramblings

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Why is it that in life

 we always think we know everything, and even though we may know a lot abut something, we never stop to learn something new.

Why are we scared of the unknown, and yet at the same time we yearn to explore?

Why do children fear that ever present and ever terrifying monster under the bed and yet... dare to get out of bed to look around whenever they hear a noise?

Who can really understand the mind of man? Is there really a human "mind" at all? Maybe there isn't? What if we are all just part of each other, a collective, connected by invisible strings, thinking the same thoughts as we are driven by our instincts. Maybe at one time we all thought about fire, but just one man decided to dare to make it, to make the dream a reality.

Maybe all it takes to go forward or make a discovery is to dare to make your thoughts into a reality.

Doesn't it sometimes feel like its impossible to find the truth. Impossible to know something exactly. There isn't much we can know for certain, including our names... There are so many ways of saying a name, which way is right? How do we know if we are the ones saying it right? Can we ever know? And if we don't even know somethin as simple as this, how can we claim to know anything else at all?

Confusing... Is it not? Do we even know how to be simple? Like I have said before, it seems to be our weakness. We like taking the long way around, to get to our destination. Why do we explore? Why aren't we happy with what we already have? 

The religious text tells me that if we live the right way, then we will receive more as a gift from God, but first we must give before we receive. Doesn't this simply mean, be happy with what you have, be willing to have less, ultimately don't be greedy...

 Scientists found Mars, then Jupiter and so on... but how did it really help us? Not to say they weren't important finds... but did it feed the hungry? Did it heal the sick? Yes, it gave us something to dream about...but no-one has complained of running out of things to dream off. It seems that in our quest to find out more of what is out there, we have forgotten those we left back as home.

Those other, who although are just normal and average people, are not any kind of new galaxy or any spectacular new feat of science...need us more than they need to see these new feats of science. They need us more than they need ton see these other things that are slowly pulling us away from our beliefs. Those things that are causing us to slowly turn away from God.

I cannot begin to answer that question for everyone. But, I do believe there is a greater being, that put us here on this earth for a purpose too big for us to understand. He is my God. He has many names, it doesn't change who He is to me. And if this is not actually His name, it is still the name I wish to call Him, and will continue to call Him, even if it turns out not to be His true name, He will know I worshipped Him in my own way...

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