Part 6-Book of Knowledge

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No one knows how life happens, it just does. No one knows why life happens, it just does. No one knows why they are here, they just are. And when their life ends...its just does... as unknowingly as they came. They leave the rest of the to mourn there loss, but even after they are gone, they are still there.

How? I don't know. But, in some unseen way, they scar our memories or engrave their faces onto out soul, so that when we close our eyes, we are still able to see them. All they need, is a moment. One, life changing moment, and then there is no escape. No medication, no treatment, since it's not a disease. But, is it a remember. Yes? No? It depends on the moment I guess...

Who were you in that moment? How did you feel? Did you feel at all? Did you feel enough? How did you react? What did you say? What didn't you say? Was it your fault?...Always.

So much to little TIME. Time, another ghost. Untouchable. Immovable. Unchangeable. To normal people at least. Time controls us. Tells us when to eat, when to sleep, when to wake up, when to work, when to stop. It tells us when to ask a question. Tells us when we will take our first breath...or our last. What would you do if you could control it? Would you stop it? Fast forward it? Reverse it? Destroy it?... That thing which causes our most joyous moments to end and our unhappy, tiresome and depressing moments to begin, our happiest times to pass by whilst our worse times drag by, slowly torturing us at an impossibly slow pace...

What if you found that person who controls it? What would you tell him? What would you say? What would you ask? Or would you slowly leave, silently closing the door behind you, so as to not...interfere.

Ahh. Another human quality which seems to be infused into our very genetic make-up. That passion we have, to find out..."wat seems to be the problem" and "lets see if I can help". Good or Bad? What is it? Is it necessary? Why do we care about things that have no importance t us? Is everything really as important as we make it out to be? What makes us care so much? Do we care enough? Maybe we don't care enough...otherwise we would care more about the consequences of our actions. 

Why can't things be more simple? What would simple be like or look like? Would it be everything that was already there, before we "found" it? Before we destroyed it? Would you consider a dandelion simple? But then, what if we considered the millions of living cells it is made up off, would it still be considered simple? Those  tiny living cells, filled with plasma, carrying out life giving processes every second, changing light into energy and creating oxygen, facilitating life. Does knowing any of this change the dandelions shape? It's color? So why does the way we see it then change? How do we see it now? Is it any different that when we saw it for the first time? Does it seem more alive now?

Maybe we like to complicate things? Are we a species that unconsciously enjoys punishing each other ? Or are we simply ungrateful? Never happy with what we have and continuously searching for more...and more. Do we have a limit? And when will we reach it? Will we ever know everything? Do we have to know everything? Can we really say that we know anything at all? s it instinct, or are we actually driven by.....EMOTION

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