The Odds Against us

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Warily he slinks through the sparse silty shadows, choosing a path of savagely overgrown foliage over the open space of the sandy ocean floor.

He would rather not be spotted so close to their territory, and with the sun's rays still young and boisterous there were little places to hide his large imposing form from the eyes of weary scouts.

They were known to be impulsive and often foolish creatures, acting long before thought had time to properly develope..

If they attacked him, he would not be opposed to the temptation to devour them as he often did to any scaled ones foolish enough to wander too far into the void..

He considers this again when the sound of startled mermaids fills his ears..

But the kraken equally wasn't interested in garnering Robin's ire by feeding on the people she claims as her own...

Even if the ignorant school of clods fully intended to trade the princess off to another kingdom as if she were nothing more than a mere trinket of armistice, in place of an older sibling who had long died.

Her tragic situation agitated him endlessly, like the wounds of pesky bleeders that bore into his plethora of tentacles when he was not paying attention, it was almost as distressing as traveling during the light of waking hours for the nocturnal kraken.

Perhaps she would forgive him for consuming just one in recompense for his exertion, he certainly hoped so, his efforts were for his precious companion after all...

Still he does not act on such feral impulses, Al-an is preoccupied anyways, he needs to find Robin...

He doesn't find any traces of her until the sun is four scars throughout the sky, as time passes it becomes searingly obvious the scaled female was hiding...

From what through? Her obligations perhaps? He pondered her dilemma curiously as he twirled leisurely through the reeds.

Fortunately there was little that could hide from such an ancient creature, his predatory senses were impeccable and despite the kraken's poor day vision, he managed to spot the opening of her little hideaway hidden amongst a bed of jagged coral fairly quickly.

A crack in the earth bed, no doubt leading to an underground cavern, an echo of ancient veins tunneling far beneath the sand, deep beneath the corners of her scaled territory, on the cusp of the Sacred void, within the nameless domains he often hunted, did she assume no predators would find her down there..?

Surely she realized the danger her mere presence here put her in, but should he really be surprised...? he isn't, Robin was a very audacious creature, she alone had ventured into his long forgotten sanctuary, and liberated his trapped consciousness despite her knowledge of what destruction he was capable of given his fickle nature..

And yet her temerity never reeks of indiscretion, it was as if she could perceive his fickle but still vary benignant nature..

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