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It was late at night when Deputy Vinson decided to go to the bodega. He wanted to purchase some ice cream, but it was late and the bodega was going to close soon. However he showed up anyway, with his iPod playing. Beau Dayga, the store owner, announced that everyone needs to leave, as the store is closing. But Deputy Vinson couldn't hear him, so he kept shopping. Beau and his friend Mitch walk out of the store, locking it behind them, when Deputy Vinson gets a call. "Hello.. who is this?" he says, confused. "The last voice you'll ever hear." says a deep voice over the phone. "You should've known the bodega was closing. But you aren't a real fan." Deputy Vinson looks confused, but not necessarily scared. "I just wanted some ice cream man.." he responds. "Well I'm gonna give you a chance to redeem yourself. 3 questions about the bodega to keep your life. First question. When was the bodega opened?" the voice asks. "Oh! I remember this! It was almost two years ago, in November." says Vinson. It was late October,  almost the two year anniversary of the opening of the bodega. "Correct. Next question. Who owns the store." the voice is getting more intimidating. "Beau Dayga, he's too famous to not know." Vinson's confidence is sky-rocketing. "Now, the final question. Who is Beau Dayga's star studded ex?" the voice over the phone starts breathing heavily. "Is it Jennifer Jolie?" Vinson says, unsure. "I'm afraid that's not correct. The correct answer is Amy the reporter!" the killer hangs up. "That was a weird prank.." Vinson says, opening the cooler to grab a tub of ice cream. A hand pokes out and stabs him in the stomach. "SHIT!" Vinson yells, and runs away as quickly as possible. He runs to the door and tries to open it but it's completely locked. He runs around looking for other exits, and he sees one in the distance. He goes near it, but a dog runs out. "Cherokee?" he looks confused, when Cherokee picks up a knife with his teeth, and slashes Deputy Vinson's ankles. He falls on the floor, screaming, getting continuously stabbed by this dog. Deputy Vinson utters his lasts words before being completely killed. "Tell my son I love him.."

BEAU DAYGA: A SCREAM STORYWhere stories live. Discover now