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"This is breaking news live from the Bodega, Deputy Vinson has just been murdered. Many witnesses claim to see a dog, known as Cherokee, on the scene. The dog is currently on the run, but these witnesses also believe that a dog could not have pulled off the murder by himself. Cherokee is currently on the run and the police are investigating the Deputy's murder. This is Amy the reporter live from the scene of the crime and you're watching stab7 news." Amy the reporter was one of the most famous news people, so of course the crime was going to get a lot of attention. She was also the ex of Beau Dayga himself. Many people were surprised to learn that the bodega was closed today, since it had never closed since opening two years ago. Beau had called everyone to the bodega for an emergency meeting. "The Deputy has been murdered in this very bodega. The killer might be the dog Cherokee, but he has to be working with someone else." Beau Dayga states this while surrounded by his best friend, Mitch Todd, his coworker Cynthia, his ex, Amy, and the famous Jennifer Jolie. Jennifer shopped at the bodega frequently and was shocked something like this would happen. "Someone's coming for us, and all of us are suspects. No one is safe." says Cynthia. Jennifer Jolie runs off into the bathroom. She gets a call on her phone from an unknown number. "Who is this?" she hears a bark on the other end. "Is this some kind of joke?" Jennifer responds. "Don't mess with me or i'll gut your insides. Stuck-up actress bitch." the voice on the phone says aggressively. "I'm sorry what was that?" Jennifer Jolie responds. She hears another bark on the other side of the phone, followed by a hang-up. Jennifer walks out to see everyone gone from the meeting. She goes to buy some ice cream (the bodega had just launched their own flavor, beaudayga banana), but everyone from the bodega is gone. She leaves, and sees people in the streets, like Jill Roberts, another frequent customer at the bodega. "Hi Jill.. you heard about the killer?" Jennifer is in a mood, following the phone call to her and the murder last night. "Hey Jennifer.. this killer must be absurd. Some crazy person and a dog they're controlling. Is the bodega hiring? Anyways, stay safe queen!" Jill has always been kind to Jennifer. Jennifer finally finds Beau and Mitch. "Where were you? I thought you'd be smarter? We shouldn't split up you know." Jennifer says, confronting Beau and Mitch. "Mitch and I have some things to talk about. You should go, find Amy and Cynthia." Beau tells Jennifer, begrudgingly. She decides to leave, so she finds Amy and Cynthia, and Angelina Tyler is with them too. "Angelina! I thought you died!" Jennifer says to her. "Nah. But I might after this. I'm interested in working at the bodega. So are two others. Jill Roberts and Brooke Maddox.

BEAU DAYGA: A SCREAM STORYWhere stories live. Discover now