Episode 1 - Chapter 1

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Jeremy Belpois sat in his office staring at his computer screen. As usual, he'd been working for hours, determined to find a solution. The numbers were starting to meld together in his mind and he was beginning to think he'd never find the error in the code he was looking for.

He pushed himself away from his desk, leaned back in his chair, and closed his blue eyes. Then he took a deep breath in and let it out in a long blow. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day.

After spending nearly all of his work day on other side projects assigned to him, he finally had some time to work on his main project. But determined as he was to continue, his mind had just about run out of energy for the day.

Jeremy ran a hand through his Swiss blond hair. Replacing his glasses, he looked out the window. He noted that it was a nice sunny day in Paris. Maybe he should switch tactics and work off his laptop outside. Goodness knows his pale skin could use some sun. And after a glance at his watch, he decided he might as well get ready to leave his office because he had somewhere he could be in a half hour.

There was a knock at his door, followed by it creaking open. "Belpois. I have another class for you."

Herb Pichon was an annoying colleague. Technically, Herb wasn't even department chair, he was just acting like it until the position was officially filled by admin. Besides being the biggest kiss-up, Herb did have the highest seniority in the computer science department and was up for consideration for the promotion. But with his boney frame, greasy black hair, and adult acne reddening his pale face, he looked more like an overgrown teenager, and acted like one too.

As a research associate at Kadic University, Jeremy's main objective was to do research for the computer science department. However, his job description did not prevent him from teaching classes. And so Herb, a professor on a power trip, liked to dump his teaching responsibilities onto Jeremy.

Jeremy swiveled his chair around to face Herb and crossed his arms. "Herb, I'm not teaching any more courses. I'm a research associate, not a professor. I already have two graduate level courses on top of my two research grants. I can't take on any more teaching responsibilities." With a readjustment of his glasses, he swiveled back to his computer and began the process of shutting it down.

It wasn't that Jeremy didn't like to teach, he enjoyed teaching graduate classes. In fact, he even created a course himself. But teaching was not his priority, and Herb just liked to throw around what little power he had.

Jeremy shut down his computer and was packing his messenger bag when he heard Herb's footsteps enter his office. Herb plopped a file folder beside his keyboard. "Intro Software Engineering. Spring semester." His nasal voice sounded shaky, as it tended to do every time he tried to be authoritative.

Jeremy glared at him. Direct eye contact was an easy way to fluster Herb. Uncomfortable, Herb took a few steps back and adjusted his own wire framed glasses before exiting Jeremy's office, leaving the door open.

Glancing at the file folder, Jeremy let out another sigh and picked it up. Contrary to Herb's power trip, Jeremy could easily go above Herb to get the course reassigned. And he would — tomorrow. For now, Jeremy had enough of Herb. After his computer had completly shut down, he tossed the folder on his chair then picked up his bag. After Herb's intrusions, Jeremey's office tended to take on a dark cloud kind of atmosphere. Locking the door to his office, Jeremy smiled to himself. Finding it ironic that he'll get more work done at the university gym than he would in his office. And amusing because Herb would never be caught dead exercising. 

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