Episode 1 - Chapter 3

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When Yumi Ishiyama heard that there was a Pencak Silat class free for university staff, she made sure to arrange her schedule so she could attend. True to her Japanese heritage, she practiced Karate as a kid. And with the increased pressure she had been under recently, a martial arts class would do her good in the form of stress release.

There was a knock at her office door and her graduate assistant popped her head in. "Dr. Ishiyama? Someone wanted to see you but I rescheduled them for tomorrow."

"Thank you, Tamiya." Yumi said, and Tamyia retreated and closed the door. Yumi grabbed her gym bag from under her desk and waved to Tamiya as she left.

Yumi was one of Kadic University's Mental Health Counselors. It pretty much meant that she was a therapist for students and sometimes staff. While Yumi was a psychiatrist and could prescribe medication, she rather enjoyed being a psychologist. Which is why she took the counseling position at Kadic University. She enjoyed helping young lives improve themselves by teaching them how to deal with their past traumas.

Her parents, on the other hand, would much rather she be a psychiatrist. But she only went to med school just to appease them. They always pushed her to be what they wanted her to be and discouraged her from going after what she wanted. Except her . That was only passion that her parents were proud of.

After changing into comfortable workout clothes – black yoga pants, a sports bra, and gray tank top – she all but jogged to the workout classroom. Once inside, she noticed the class was smaller than she thought.

Two men were at the front of the classroom, one blonde and one brunette. And two more teenagers dressed in high school phys-ed clothes sat on the floor. There was also another guy with glasses busy typing on a laptop in the corner of the room. He clearly was not going to take part in the class as he was dressed business casual.

Yumi noted she was the only female, but that never bothered her.

She quickly removed her shoes and socks and set them aside. The other two students were already lining up for the first drill.

All in all, Yumi really enjoyed herself. The two students were obviously new to the art, but the blond guy clearly knew what he was doing. But the instructor captured Yumi's attention. He had a subtle passion for the art and had respect for the culture, even though he was clearly not Asian. Yumi pegged him as German, maybe.

Through the side conversations and bantering that happened between the instructor, Ulrich, and the blond, Odd, She learned that Ulrich was the University's soccer coach. Which made sense to her because he favored kicks and they were powerful. He was clearly strong. And not bad looking, too. Whoah! Where did that thought come from?

"So how did you enjoy your first class?" Ulrich asked her as she stretched. "You have other martial arts training. ?"

Yumi's head jerked back. It surprised her that he knew her exact form of practice. "Yes, actually. But it's been a few a years since I've practiced. Felt good to get back at it."

"You think you'll come to the next class?" Odd asked. "You were a great sparring partner." He made boxing punches at the air.

Yumi laughed to herself. Odd certainly was a character, but he seemed like a good guy and was a good fighter. Actually, she really wanted to spar with Ulrich. "I don't know yet." Yumi said. "I had to rearrange my schedule to be here. I'm a counselor and my office is across campus. This class is in the middle of my work day. And speaking of which, I have to get back."

Odd shoved his feet into his slides. "Me too. I'm technically clocked out for lunch right now."

"You know," Ulrich began, "Since you seem to just need practice, and we're both staff, you can text me when you're free and we can meet up for a sparring session."

Yumi arched an eyebrow and smiled at Ulric. What a clever way to ask for her number.

Ulrich blinked, a little flustered. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and was quick to add, "Odd and I sometimes work late so we're available after hours."

"Ulrich has a key to the gym." Odd chimed in behind the back of his hand as if it were a secret.

Yumi found herself enjoying the company of these two and she liked the idea of hanging out with them. And surprisingly, she didn't mind giving Ulrich her cell phone number. She looked forward to some one-on-one practice with him. "Not a bad idea." She said and the two exchanged phones.

"Sweet!" Odd cheered. "See you next time. Lunch is over. Gotta run!" And he bolted out the door.

Ulrich shook his head and returned Yumi her phone. "Hey, if Odd's too . . . odd for you, I won't tell him to come."

"You two seemed to be attached at the hip." Yumi commented and gave Ulrich his phone.

"Yeah, well. Friends. What'd ya gonna do?" Ulrich said with a shrug.

Ulrich and Yumi held each other's gaze until a shout, "I found it!" interrupted their eye contact.

Yumi totally forgot about the other man on his laptop. He didn't partake in the class at all. He stayed in his corner buried in his work.

"What did you find, Jeremy?" Ulrich asked.

"The error in my code." Jeremy said as he packed up his laptop in a messenger bag and headed for them two. "Took me all day. Oh, hi Ms. Ishiyama. I didn't notice you were here."

Yumi had met Dr. Belpois in passing. She knew that Tamiya was in one of his graduate classes. But she never did know his first name. "Yumi, please." She held her hand out to Jeremy. Nice to officially meet you. My assistant, Tamiya, is loving your class by the way."

"That's right. I forgot she was your assistant." Then turning to Ulrich, Jeremy said, "You ready to go?"

Ulrich nodded to Jeremy and then extended his hand to her. Nice to meet you, Yumi."

She took his hand, "Nice to meet you too." They paused for a moment, eyes locked. Then Yumi snapped herself out of it. "Well, I have to head back. Thanks for the lesson, Ulrich." And she too headed out the door.

what degree & which Japanese style of Karate? Ulrich would know.

The form of Karate Yumi does.

Pencak silat is similar to Okinawan Karate or Koryu. Basically fighting without the sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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