Once In A Blue Moon

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The Highfield Cemetery was busy at this time of the night, especially on this day. It was a blue moon, and that meant Spirit and Onyx Nightshade were due. Spirit glided into the cemetery, her long white cloak rustling in the light breeze. Onyx Nightshade walked slowly behind her, his dark black cloak trailing behind him.

Evelyn Hart, a ghost from a decade ago, floated over to them. She bowed, smiling at the two. "We welcome you to our lowly graveyard, Queen Spirit and Lord Onyx Nightshade."

Spirit bowed in return and kissed Evelyn's hand gently. "No need, Evelyn Hart. No need to bow, we are equals." Spirit smiled, lowering her hood to show her snow-white hair glittering in the moonlight.

Onyx glared at Spirit. "My sister, you and this lowborn ghost are not equals. Put your hood back up, m'lady." Onyx turned his piercing glare to Evelyn Hart, who shrunk back, frightened.

Spirit whipped her head around to her twin brother, the moonlight catching on a moonstone, set into a small silver crown settled on top of her head. Her gaze was icy cold, words slicing into her brother. "The only being who is not my equal is you, my brother. So I suggest you lower your hood and bow to Evelyn and me, who are your superiors."

Onyx Nightshade lowered his hood gloomily, sulking slightly, his night-black hair blending into the shadows. "Sister, I suggest-"
"Don't you 'sister' me, Onyx Nightshade. Now, fade into the shadows and disappear wherever you disappear to every time we visit Highfield." Spirit turned away from her brother, smiling at Evelyn.

"Now, Evelyn Hart, shall we visit everyone?" Spirit asked, holding her hand out. "Yes, M'lady. Let's go to the cemetery's center." Evelyn took Spirit's hand and led her down a shadowy path.

Onyx hissed lightly and put his hood back up, glowering. He turned and retreated down a different path. He passed a gravestone that stated "Mo ik  Cas  lo  614-1 28  Bel  d Da ht r A   s  tr", with a lot of faded letters. As he passed a ghost rose from the grave and started to follow him, she was a slim girl who looked around fourteen, with long black hair and pale gray eyes that had a ghostly sheen to them.

Onyx Nightshade whisked through the shadows quickly and silently. He arrived at a crypt, the name "Grey" carved upon the heavy wooden doors. He pushed the doors open, they creaked as if they hadn't been opened for a while- they hadn't been opened, in fact, since the last blue moon.

A ray of moonlight shone upon a tall, thin girl huddled in the corner, covered in a dirty grey blanket. She had brown almond-shaped eyes that looked black in the dark crypt, her hair was shoulder-length and night-black, fading into dirty blond. Her skin was pale, her dark-coloured lips standing out upon her moonlit face.

Onyx rushed to her side. He pulled some food out beneath his cloak, enough to last the girl until the next blue moon. The girl raised her head. "Oni?" She asked weakly.
"It's me, Diana." He whispered. "Do not fear. I'm here now." Onyx set the food down and handed Diana a large bottle of water.

The ghost that had risen from the grave that Onyx passed, Monika Castillo, floated inside. Her eyes widened as she saw Onyx Nightshade, Lord of the Graveyards, crouching by a human girl, and treating her better than the dead!

Monika's pale form sped out the crypt, heading straight for where Queen Spirit and Evelyn Hart had left for, the cemetery's center.

"My Queen!" Monika exclaimed, bursting into the clearing. She paused awkwardly, as everyghost there turned to stare at her. "My Queen, I have important news!" She declared, brushing off her embarrassment.

Spirit tilted her head. "Yes, Monika Castillo?" She replied. "Your brother. M'lady!" Monika yelped. "He was with a human girl in the Grey crypt! You must come at once!"

Queen Spirit's pale icy blue eyes darkened and she glided as fast as possible towards the Grey crypt, Monika and Evelyn right behind her.

They reached the crypt and glided inside, finding Diana drinking water with Onyx crouched beside her, watching her anxiously.


Onyx stood up. "No. Diana Grey is worth more than some measly dead person. I will fight for her."

Onyx pushed the hem of his cloak back an inch, revealing a black dagger, it's sharp edges glinting in the moonlight. Spirit laughed. "Brother, you know mere daggers cannot hurt the Queen of the Graveyards!" She watched him, amusement lighting her frosty eyes.

Onyx's grin was small and smug. "Yes, normal daggers cannot hurt you. But Deathblade Daggers, made of the darkest and most awful metals, dipped in the deadliest poisons, cursed with the most awful curses, can." His grin spread until it covered his entire face.

And then he crouched, looking like a feral creature in the shadows of the moonlit crypt. And then he leapt. The dagger plunged into Spirit's chest and the world blacked out. A loud, high-pitched laughter was heard from the shadows, as it's owner looked around for a new victim.

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