A Watery Death

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Katherine sank further into the murky depths of the water, struggling to swim up towards the light. Her heavy jewelry weighed her down, and so she tore off her ruby earrings, necklace, and bracelets in a panic, relief crossing her face when she was able to swim easier.

Her face broke the water's surface, and she gasped for breath. "Hey, take it easy!" A voice teased from nearby. She turned and saw a girl of about ten, grinning at her. "You ain't gonna leave no air for the rest of us!" The girl added. Katherine sniffed. Lower class.

Why they'd let the lower class onto the famed Titanic, she didn't know. All she knew was that the Titanic had sunk, and she was in danger. "And why would I want to leave air for you?" Katherine sniffed in reply. "I am Lady Katherine Andore, and I demand your respect."

The girl swam over to Katherine and held her hand out. "Name's Ellie. Nice to meet ya."

Katherine shuddered and swam backwards. Just then, a lifeboat sailed past, with space for one more passenger. Katherine swam over, beginning to feel the cold seeping through her bones, and latched onto the side of the boat.

"Help me!" She moaned. "Help me, please!"

The man at the lifeboat's head began to help her on, but then noticed Ellie stranded nearby. He dropped Katherine and she shrieked. "Sorry, lady, but kids come first." He said, paddling over to Ellie and helping her in.

Katherine shrieked in rage and managed to scramble onto some debris. She leapt and ladned on the lifeboat, sinking it.

Katherine sank once more into the water, never to be seen again, along with everyone else who had been unlucky enough to be on the lifeboat she sunk.

Katherine's body convulsed one last time underwater, then was still.

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