Ch.3 Whispers

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(Harry's POV)

"So Harry, how have you and the lads been since you just finished your new tour?"
"Um, we have been pretty chill and we are just about to start writing for our new album, but otherwise we really have just been living low." Harry was so tired of the interviewer he just wanted to sit down, he also had seen Emma Watson and wanted to say hi.
Harry started walking away from the interviewer but was stopped by a crying fan asking for a picture.
"HARRY HARRY I LOVE YOU!" The girl was about 11 years old but with the amount of makeup she was wearing she might as well been 22.
"I love you too love." he hugged her and took the picture and then starting walking to his seat near the stage.

(Emma's POV)
The building was so grand, it had lights and a beautiful runway.
She was seated in her chair watching the award ceremony go on until Harry was present on the runway.
"And the winner is..." He paused and looked around like he was trying to find the winner but his eyes met with Emma's.
"Emma Watson!" The crowd started to cheer and Emma went her way up to get her award but
"HeForShe." Harry had whispered into her ear. She walked up to the mic with the award.
"Harry Styles just said HeForShe so that's very exciting um...thank you for this amazing award,it means so much to me." She looked over to Harry who was smiling from cheek to cheek, I think he was so proud even though they were basically acquaintances.

She walked to the backstage area with Harry, they stopped about every step for pictures and questions. They didn't talk but they had those glances that you give to your crush. Harry walked the other way Emma walked, Emma was so confused. They had to go the same way to exit the event, but then she realized why. Kendall and Cara were throwing themselves at Harry, Kendall pushed out her boobs from her romper and Cara pushed out her full leg out of the slit in her dress, Kendall was a lot shorter than both Cara and Harry even when she was wearing heels.

Kendall and Emma were never close, Kendall was a lot different then Emma. Emma was more a down to earth type of girl where Kendall was like a streamers after they are first shot in the air.
"Soooo, Hazzy-bear!!" Cara was literally on the edge of falling with the way her leg was completely out of her slit.
"What's the little womanizer doing?" Cara touched Harry's cheek and slid her hand down to his shoulder which was large enough to put a boulder on.
"Cara, I'm not a womanizer and I was actually looking forward to talking to someone." Harry looked around the room trying to make eye contact with his lost friend.
"Shut up Harry! We know you like Emma Watson!" Kendall smacked Harry's long locks and stepped on her heel, she grew angry at the thought of Emma.
"When have you heard that?"
"OMG Haz we told her and she completely blushed, you are too!" Kendall was right, he was blushing. Emma was probably one of the only attractive females Harry had ever met, there was something about her that always made Harry blush. Of course Harry wanted to find out what.
"Excuse me girls, I'm afraid I have to leave." Harry walked backwards for about a millisecond and then turned the right direction, he saw Emma with a group of people with glasses of champagne and an award in their hands.
"Emma, do you mind if I talk to you?" Harry was glad Emma was tall enough where he didn't have to lean down, it had always hurt his back.
"Yes of course. Excuse me guys, I will return." Emma followed behind Harry to the end of a hallway, where he put his back to the wall.
"Emma I have been wanting to ask you this for quite awhile now, but I have never been to confident to do it. Now that I am 21, I feel confident into asking you the question. Would you like to go on date Saturday? If you're free!" Emma almost jumped at his words, Harry Styles had just asked her out! Emma was a huge fan of dating but that's just because her and her boyfriend broke up recently. He took things way too fast lets just say.
"Emma, are you okay?" Harry's hand was on Emma's shoulder tapping on it like he was a drummer boy.
"Harry of course I'd like to go on a date with you. Where exactly is our destination?" Harry smiled at her with sparks in his eyes where Emma was giggling like she had been told the world's funniest joke.
"We will figure it out in time, thank you Emma." They exchanged numbers and went on to different ways not before sharing two kisses, one on each cheek but Harry lastly kissed her on her forehead, thinking of the wonderful time he and Emma could share.

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