Grouped Together??

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Boys were different yet similar to girls, both of them were computer science majors but had different dreams, Jin wanted to start his own business as an app developer while Tae wanted to be a game developer, both of them had promised each other to start a business together and succeed together... being great at dancing both the boys took dancing as an additional subject.


After leaving both the boys fast asleep in their dorm the girls left to attend their first class which was one of the favorites of both the girls, dancing. The girls reached the dance hall just in time, and within a few minutes came in their new professor, he was quite tall and seemed only a few years older than the students.

???- Morning everybody, myself Kai your dance professor. Okay so let's start with the roll call then we will begin with our class.

Just when Kai was about to start taking roll call two boys entered the dance hall, anyone could guess they just woke up and ran all the way here by the way their clothes rested on their bodies and how violently they were panting.

Kai- Wow late on your very first day, what a way to start your very first year in this university. You are lucky that you arrived before I started the roll call otherwise you would have found yourself standing outside class on the very first day.

Kai commented scolding the two boys in front of him while Jennie and Jisoo were cursing their fate like why would those pervs have the same class as them it's not like there is a shortage of subjects then why do they have the same subject, this is definitely a coincidence they did not like.

Kai- Okay now that all the students are here and we are done with the roll call we shall start today's class. So as this is the first class and we have a long journey together I first want to know where all of you stand, So here comes your first-ever college assignment which is to prepare a short dance in groups, and I know you all don't know each other so I made your work easy and have already grouped you all in the groups of 4 each. The list is available on the notice board in front of this dance hall and you all have to complete this assignment in a week's time, for now, this is it enjoy the rest of the class, Bye. 

Jennie- What the heck man we have to socialize on the first day of college great, just great.

Jisoo- It's okay, but why do those pervs have to attend the same class as us? Ohh Jennie just hope we are not paired up with them.

While both the girls were busy having this small conversation they did not notice the mentioned guys walking towards them and standing behind them.

Jin- Pervs huh, but we have not even done anything yet.

Jin whispered in his deep voice while bending a little to meet Jisoo's height which made her cover her mouth in shock and both the girls turned in a swift motion only to face two handsome faces way too close to their faces, the boys were staring the girls so intently that they almost lost their cool. Turning their faces away and backing away a bit, both the girls took a minute to calm their racing hearts while their reaction worked as a fuel for the boy's pride making their smirk grow big.

Jennie- Why were you eavesdropping huh?? And we just said pervs how do you know we are talking about you??

Tae- Cause darling I don't think you know anyone over here and we were not eavesdropping you both were talking loudly okay.

Jin- Anyway let's get back to the topic, why didn't you guys wake us up?? Because of you guys we were scolded on the very first day.

Jisoo- It's not like you guys are some prince, you can get up yourself and also it is not our duty to wake your lazy asses.

Jisoo said glaring daggers at the boys in front of her while both the boys were thinking "Only if you knew you won't talk to us like this ever again". Tae just rolled his eyes before dragging his brother with him to check the noticeboard.

All four of them reached the notice board and started searching for their names only to find all four names in group 5 making the four of them look at each other before running to Kai's office, of all the people how could the four of them end up in one group?? The four of them busted into Kai's office making him look at them with a questioning gaze.

Kai- What's the matter??

Tae- Professor we cannot be in the same group as them, please switch our group.

Jennie- Ne professor anyone but them are fine by me.

All four of them were glaring at each other so hard that even Kai could feel the tension between them, he asked their names to which all of them replied at once.

Kai- Ohh so you all are Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Kim Jisoo and Kim Jennie??

All- Yup that's right.

Kai- I am afraid I won't be of any help regarding this, I have been given orders from the higher-ups to group all four of you together at all costs, I am sorry.

Hearing Kai's statement all four of them looked at him in utter shock, what in the Kdrama world is happening with them? Why would the college care if the four of them were grouped together or not? Is it that serious? They need to find out why all of this is happening.

All four of them exited Kai's office with defeated look's on their face.

Jisoo- Do you guys have any idea why all of this is happening?

Jin- Wh-Why would we know? We are just as confused as you both are.

Tae- I am going to the dorm, I will work on my game.

Jisoo- I have a class I will also take my leave, let's discuss about this later in the dorm.

Jin- Yeah I will also leave.








This is it for this chapter, I hope you like it.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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