Episode III- A Heavy Price

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16th Century

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16th Century


Lord Evan marched towards the royal chambers of the King of Baden wearing a wary expression as he wasn't sure about this visit. Of all the kingdoms in the south, King Thales has requested an audience with King Henry of Baden. This was bad because King Henry hardly pays attention to the neighboring states, let alone an entire empire. The cruel King must be up to something, or else why would he permit the poor King of a dying nation to step in his lands. Alvar was a lost cause now. Nothing close to profit could be earned from that barren land. King Henry wouldn't even breathe if it didn't give him life. Only God knows what's weaving in his mind.

As Lord Evan approached the royal chambers, confronted blazed faced soldiers with lust dripping down their profiles. They eyed every second woman with a hunger that passed by their side in nothing but a tiny piece of fabric covering their privates. The Lord sighed and shook his head. Sometimes he felt utterly unfortunate for being the minister of such a disgusting system. The chambers of King Henry felt more like a whore house. His eyes burned in disdain as the females, who went past by him, suggestively touched themselves to him. Clenching his jaw, he moved forward and gestured towards one of the knights to inform the king about his arrival.

The soldier bowed his head out of superiority and sneaked in the private chambers of the King. Minutes later, he came back and opened the doors.

"You may enter, my lord."

Getting the positive answer from the scrawny soldier, Lord Evan entered inside and, immediately regretted his decision because the scene in front him stirred the bile in his gut. He wished to be anywhere in the dungeons rather than watching his King hungrily taste the pale flesh of anonymous women.

The room was filled with the light smoke and fragrance of herbs burning at the distant corner of the giant room. The lord felt his head spin and immediately figured that it contains opium and its dried latex.

The king-sized bed under the giant crystal chandelier was occupied by five females, not more than twenty summers, pleasing the King Henry of Baden in numerous ways.

Their heavy moans resonated in the room like an echo, sickening the Lord. The King on the bed groaned too, feeling himself floating in the ecstasy. His big hands were clutching their hair tightly as they expertly pleasured his bulky body. In no time, he started shaking from the high as if having a seizure.

The lord immediately turned his back and blankly stared at the wall in front of him. His ears burned as the King yelled, feeling himself bursting with the building passion. After a few seconds, silence fogged the room as they all panted tiredly, drenched in sweat. The lord didn't dare to inhale or fill his lungs with the revolting smell of copulation lingering heavily in the air. He pursed his lips, disappointed with the king's indecency.

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