Episode XV~ Black Hearts

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Have you ever felt it?

This feeling where your otherwise creative mind turns numb as if a pair of hands are holding it in a tight grip disabling it from running the actual thought process. You feel stuck and slowly start to realize how the reins of your life are in someone else's hands. That you've become a puppet to dance on someone else's desire and had no control over your own life or actions. You conclude that you've stopped living for yourself a long ago and enjoying the things that once made you smile. The heart which used to skip beats with the joyous rhythm of the music was now only throbbing, indicating that you are still alive. Still, breathing. The shelter that once provided you protection has now turned into a structure of bricks and walls telling how little you hold in life.

Lauren felt the same as she stared at the two men looking at her and her supposed future husband expectantly. Her blank eyes looked at their once-handsome faces and the bile raised her chest. They didn't look appealing anymore but the ugly pieces of some puzzle that she doesn't understand. For the first time in life, they seem, strangers, controllers, and dictators who prohibited her to breathe on her wish. Their will dominated the air around them and their piercing and powerful eyes kept her glued on her spot.

The dress she wore with so much love and showed off the entire evening now suffocated her. The soft fabric pinched her skin with discomfort. She wanted to get rid of it and slip into more comfortable clothes.

Her brown eyes kept jumping from Stefan to Mason as she took their selfish words in.

It wasn't her fault that the two men were facing such circumstances at the peak of their careers. It wasn't her fault that they were being targeted by a bunch of assassins. She never wished for enormous wealth against the affection of loved ones. Her heart was black, a void with no depth.

They were doing it again, imposing their decree on her. They were making her stand in front of the door she was running from. They have surely taken her to the heights of luxuries but in return, they were asking too much and if she failed to pay, they were going to drop her. And the most ridiculous thing was, there was no one to catch her when she will fall. But did she care about being hurt?


She has lost that battle a long time ago. First with the mother who died when Lauren was a child, and then her father who abandoned her in the greed of power.

Her legs kept rooted to the ground and her body thrummed with hot blood.

It was Alex who broke the tensed silence.

"Um... Dad, I think it's too soon for us to announce our relation publicly. Both Lauren and I are not ready. Moreover, you guys didn't take our permission while making such a deal. Then how could you possibly use us to cover your mistakes? We are not doing this. Not tonight." Alex spoke for both of them. He knew what Lauren must be thinking right now. He thought she was close to lose her mind and throw some insults on the elders' faces. Her short temper must be at bay to burst. There is no way she was going to be associated with someone as ugly as him. Lord, even he couldn't bring himself to look at his reflection in the mirror for longer. How could he expect someone as beautiful as Lauren to hold his hand?

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