Luke x Reader

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"I think I found what we were looking for," Luke called out from in front. 

I sped up my pace. Once I reached him, he grabbed my hand, pulling me roughly to the ground behind a rock. Just the small gesture made my stomach fill with butterflies. A humongous cave stood in front of us. It looked like a huge beast, with its stalactites and stalagmites.  

"That's what we were looking for," he pointed to a pile of treasure behind a humongous hydra. 

Luke stared at me intensely. 

"You sure about this? We can leave if you want," he told me.

"It's my quest. You can leave if you want," I said, even though I did not want him to leave. 

"And leave you alone with the hydra, no way."

I felt relieved and gave him a small smile.

"Do you have a plan," he asked. 

"Uh, we need fire, don't we?" I asked, mostly to myself.

"Yeah, distract the hydra while I make some," Luke said, walking off before I could protest. 

I got up, took a deep breath in, ripped my camp half-blood t-shirt to make a mask, and charged towards the Hydra. I slashed and slashed the creature, always avoiding the heads. It spat venom, and I dodged, but its tail arrived at full force. The long rope sent me flying back, while my sword fell to the ground. I hit a wall in the cave. My back was on fire like the time Leo had lit my shirt on fire. My breathing was erratic. It felt like something was crushing my throat. My vision quickly blurred, and I saw Luke abandon all hopes of fire, rushing to me instead. 

"You okay!" he exclaimed, his back to me in a defensive stance in front of the hydra. 

"Yeah," I said between coughing fits. 

"No, you're not"

He turned around to face me, and my eyes widened. He wasn't paying attention to the monster anymore and I could see it about to attack. I threw myself onto him, his weapon clanking to the side. The hydra spat his venom, luckily Luke had thought of covering his mouth like me. Luke's breathing grew heavy. He helped me up as I winced in pain, my back still hurting. The hydra approached, cornering us. I grabbed Luke's hand. 

"We're about to die," I whispered. 

"If we do, just know I love you," he quickly muttered. 

"Me too"

"Not in a friendly way"

"Me —" 

My vision was blurring, and my strength was leaving me. The hydra blew into golden dust. A boy on a dragon, Leo, was getting closer. 

The last thing I heard was Luke telling me to hold on. Then, nothing.

A/n: hesitating on continuing this to them at camp half blood as I don't really have an idea so only 400 words. Question of the day: Do you ever feel like writing a book? 

I mean I always have a zillion ideas in my head, sometimes it's fanfic, but when it comes to writing it down, I can't really. I am currently writing a murder mystery with academic rivals but don't know if I will ever finish it.

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