5 Days of Hell

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⚠️WARNING : Contents of death and trajectories from a torture method. You can skip the chapter ⚠️ -----------------------------------------------------------

The next morning:

Y/n's POV:

A few days have passed since Sister Imperator tried to break my will. So far, however, she has failed because I remained steadfast every time. She tries different methods, intimidation, threats, torture...

S.I:"You can save yourself all the suffering just by giving in!"

Y/n: "Ha, it's not as easy to break my will as you thought pauperis lay Stykke !"

S.I:"We'll see..."

She gave me another injection.
'I'm really sorry little one, but I have no other choice if I want to save a life...' Sister Imperator thought before leaving the cave. I squirmed in pain until I collapsed again. 'This stuff really bothers me! What the hell is that !?!' I thought.
'I won't let her break me...never...'

At Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil:

P.N (Alras): "And ?"

When asked, Sister Imperator just shook his head and refused to make eye contact with him.

Al: "I'll probably have to apply my pressure a little harder and hurt someone..."

S.I:"No! Leave my little Cardi out of it! He has nothing to do with this!"

After Sister raised her voice against him, he quickly got up and pushed Sister against the wall. He grabbed her by the neck and squeezed.

Al:"Ohhh~ are we getting protective? He's very much in this game, he's my bargaining chip on you human! That being said, how dare you contradict me and tell me what to do and what not to do!?"

Alras squeezed harder and Sister's breath got worse and worse.

Al:"You still have time until the next blood moon in 5 days, if she hasn't broken by then your 'little Cardi' will have to get hurt!"

He released her and she fell to the ground, coughing.

Al:"Go now"

Sister got up after a moment and left the room. They made their way back to Y/n. As she opens the door, she looks at Y/n. 'I'm so sorry...' Sister Imperator thought. 'Not again...' thought Y/n. Sister went to Y/n and started following her. Y/n turned and fought Sister Imperator to not make it so easy for her. This process goes on for 3 hours until Sister gave her a short break. Y/n was breathing heavily, blood running out of her nose and out of her mouth. She was weak and could barely stand. But she still didn't surrender and stood her ground.

S.I:" Tough !"

Y/n growled at her and gave her a hateful look.

(Just the first sound)

Her growls turn up in the cave again. Sister disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a blade in her hand.

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