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In the evening in the common room:

Everyone sat together and talked.

Am:"How is everyone doing, since I only have the other ghouls later in terms of the training plan?"

Wa(Water):"You're getting better, but we still have work to do."

M:"The same for us."

Sw:"Ours are getting better. However, there are still some who need a lot of practice."

Cu:"They get better."

So:"One of our ghouls messed with Amuna today, well actually two."


So:"Anubis and Alpha."

Ae:"Why doesn't that surprise me that Anubis couldn't shut up again?"

M:"I have no idea, maybe because he never does?"


R:"And why did you mess with her Alpha?"

Al: "It was meant as a joke, but me and Dew made a bet. We made a bet on which of me and Amuna would hit the ground first and give up."

So:"Alpha lost the bet because he was on the ground first before you guys stopped."

Al:"Shut up, Sodo."

Alpha just rolled his eyes. They all talked for a while until each one disappeared into his room. Amuna and Mountain were the last to go to their rooms and go to sleep. After Amuna had made sure that Mountain was sound asleep again, she crept out of the room and went to Y/n. She stayed there for a while, but she didn't notice that the layer of stone was cracking more and more. In some places the scales of Y/n could even be seen, if only to a small extent.

A few days passed The ghouls, ghoulettes, Sister and Brothers of Ministry got better.

But nobody had all this time Sister Imperator seen. It was another night at the ministry.

But something should change in this one.

At night:

Amuna's dream:

Amuna woke up, everything was dark around her.

Am:"Mountain ?"

But there was no answer, the only thing she heard was her voice, which stopped again in the darkness. Suddenly she saw Sister standing at a window. She looked dejected and far from healthy.


Sister Imperator turned around and Amuna backed away.

S.I: "I'm sorry..."

Amuna looked at her in confusion until her eyes fell on her hand and then her neck. She looked at Sister in shock because she only knew one thing that looked like this...

Am:"Sister...isn't that ?!"

As Amuna's gaze was fixed on Sister's face, she saw tears running down her cheeks.

S.I:"I had no choice...I couldn't let my Cardi die...I'm sorry about what happened to Y/N and I know it won't bring her back..."

Sister's voice was calm and dejected. But after Amuna thought about it a bit, it all made sense to her.

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