Chapter 9 - Confession

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(Sorry for this terrible chapter and somewhat cliffhanger XD but I have had writers block for days and this was the result. Sorry if it sucks haha.)

|| Kwangmin POV ||

My heart sank as I watched her turn away from me and into a run. Within seconds, I lost sight of her in the crowd of people. Replaying the scene in my head, as my stomach twisted in knots, I realized that her eyes had been shiny...

What had I done?

"You are a really big idiot," someone said next to me. It was Youngmin. I looked at him and he continued, "This whole thing was supposed to be easy. But now you've got her heart involved, and yours. What is wrong with you?"

I shook my head. "I didn't know-"

Youngmin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "We're not human, Kwangmin. You're not supposed to be feeling human emotions so why are you?"

I was silent. How on earth was I supposed to answer that? It didn't make any sense to me either. I just couldn't stop thinking how stupid I was. How come every time I tried to express my feelings, I just ended up making her mad? But now, I had made her cry and that was a totally different level.

"Youngmin, I don't know what's going on but you need to help me. How can I fix this?"

Youngmin sighed and said, "It's not going to be easy.'s my plan."

|| Eunji POV ||

I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, at the red puffiness around my eyes and the streaks of tears on my cheeks. It felt wrong to cry over a boy like this, especially a boy like Kwangmin. But after a while of sitting alone in the bathroom, silently crying, all my anger had faded away and left nothing but sadness in its place.

At first, I had conjured up all sorts of elaborate evil schemes ranging from making Kwangmin sleep outside in the snow all night to asking Jooheon out on a date. Even a simple slap to Kwangmin's pretty little face would've sufficed.

Then, it was like a switch clicked on in my brain, and I realized that I wasn't really mad, I was hurt. And not even the greatest revenge plan on earth could fix that.

But there was one thing I could fix: the tears. I would not allow myself to cry because of Kwangmin anymore.

I sighed and took my hair out of its ponytail, letting it hang freely on my shoulders. What I needed was a long walk in the fresh cold air, away from the loud and stuffy halls of school. I needed to think about something other than Kwangmin for a while.

After tiptoeing towards the bathroom door, I opened it slowly, and peered out the crack to make sure no one would see me making my escape. So far so one seemed to be paying attention...and most everyone was just scrambling around to make it to their next class on time. Most importantly, there was no sign of the twins anywhere.

I took that chance to slip out of the bathroom and begin walking towards the stairs. I made it to the ground floor without any problems, and with the entrance only a few steps away, I was totally convinced my escape would be successful. But then, just as I had made it to the door and closed my hand around the cool metal handle, I heard a voice calling my name.

I rolled my eyes. Seriously?

"What?" I asked, turning around. I had been expecting to see my principal coming towards me but it was actually Kwangmin. I froze. Just the person I had been trying to avoid.

"Please don't," he said, seeing my hand start to twist the handle on the door. He came closer, and then even closer, until we were eye to eye. I flinched and looked away.

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