Chapter 12 - Ceremony

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One week had passed since that day. That special day that changed everything. Ever since that Christmas morning, I felt like the twins and I had grown so much closer. Kwangmin and I hardly ever had any arguments anymore, and that was the biggest change. But I also noticed that the twins never seemed to take off their rings. The silver bands constantly rested perfectly on their pinky fingers just like mine. And that was what meant the most to me. It let me know that the promise I had made, sappy or not, hadn't been one-sided.

The Friday night after New Years, my mother declared some shocking news during dinner. Apparently, my older cousin Haeyin, was getting married the next Saturday afternoon.

"Are you serious?" I asked, nearly choking on my food. "Haeyin's only a few years older than me. And you're telling me she's getting married? Why am I just now finding out about this?"

Mom laughed. "I told you about it months ago when we got the invitation. You must've forgotten."

Kwangmin nudged me. "Who's Haeyin?" he asked.

"My older cousin," I explained. "She's sort of like the only friend I've ever had, other than you guys. But I seriously can't believe she's getting married. She's, like, nineteen! Is that even legal?"

Mom shrugged. "I don't know. But apparently, the man she's marrying is an idol."

"Woah, what?!" I exclaimed. "What idol?!"

"His name's Im Changkyun," said Mother. "But I think the group he's in only debuted like a month ago."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head in awe. "It really doesn't surprise me, to be honest. I mean, an idol was bound to fall for her at some point. She's, like, every guy's dream girl. I'm surprised she isn't an idol herself."

"Well, she could've been if you remember that one time when you were thirteen...." Mom said.

I gasped as the old memory from three years ago resurfaced. "Oh yeah!"

"Oh yeah what?" Youngmin asked through a mouthful of food.

I took a drink of water and then explained the story. "Well, when I was thirteen and Haeyin was sixteen, we decided to go audition together for YG Entertainment. Well, Haeyin's always been super talented and super gorgeous, so they wanted her right away. But my ugly and untalented self did not pass the audition. I was really sad, right, but also really happy for Haeyin. But then she told me she decided not to join the company, just because I couldn't. Isn't that amazingly nice? I mean, I-Kwangmin, why are you giving me that weird look?"

Kwangmin blinked as he stared at me. "I'm just trying to find the ugliness you were talking about. But...I can't find it. Can you, Youngmin?"

Youngmin shook his head and shoveled some more food in his mouth. "Nope," he said whilst chewing. "Only prettiness."

I rolled my eyes as my cheeks grew hot. "Stop guys are so embarrassing."

They chuckled, clearly amused by my humiliation.

"Oh by the way," my mother randomly added. "I told you this months ago, but since you've forgotten..."

"Told me what?" I asked. My mom began to laugh nervously. "Oh my gosh...I'm the maid of honor, aren't I?"

She nodded. "And you have less than a day to prepare. Good luck, sweetie!"

I groaned. Thanks, Mom, thanks a lot.

~ Saturday Morning ~

I wanted to die.

It wasn't that I was upset about being the maid of honor. In fact, I was actually really excited. It was really awesome that out of all the people Haeyin knew, she chose me as her most important guest. I was just frustrated that I had only found out about it the night before. I know Mom claims she told me months ago, but I still believed she was highly mistaken. I would've remembered something like that.

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