Chapter 3

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In chapter 2 you, Ed, and Al visited shou tucker and Nina to study bio alchemy then one day you came back to the estate and there was a new chimera. You guys soon found out that he used Nina and Alexander as little lab rats to make the chimera. Bla bla enjoy the chapter! I don't own any fullmetal alchemist characters nor do I own you. Enjoy!

I was sitting next to Al, studying stuff about the philosophers stone when Ed suddenly woke up in shock. I wonder what would make him look down in grief. Was he dreaming about Nina? I headed to headquarter because I needed to get some paperwork done. Ed and Al said they'll come later.

I was following Riza when she stopped. I looked and saw her talking to Ed and Al. "Mr. Tucker was scheduled to be stripped of his certification and stand trial for what he did to Nina. But...-" I cut her off there "but they're both dead." I finished. "Dead?!" Al asked concerned. Ed was speechless and stared wide-eyed at me. "You'll find out anyway, so i might as well tell you they've been murdered." I said to the boys. " By who?!" Ed asked still shocked. "We don't know." Riza said walking away with me behind. "We were just heading over to the scene now" I said. "We're coming too." Al said "no." I replied. "Why not?!" Ed said loudly. Riza and I turned around. "You don't need to see this." Me and her said at the same time.

We were now talking about scar and that he was the one who killed Nina and Tucker. Hughes said that me and mustang should lay low for now because scar is on the loose. "You, tucker, and y/n are you only state alchemist of note in this area, right?" Hughes asked mustang. Ed. "Oh no!" Mustang said probably remembering about Ed. My eyes widen too I needed to tell Ed to get going. I got up and started running to get Ed and Al out of central.

I soon found Ed and Al. Ed still looks like he is in grief. But there he was. Scar. "Al!!" I yelled. He looked and saw scar. "Brother!" He yelled and pulled Ed out of the way. Scar then looked at me. Ed was in shock and scar went for Ed again. Ed clapped his hands and separated scar from them. "What the hell is going on here?!" Ed yelled. I ran to them. "Well for one, we're both state alchemist and that's scar so you know we're kinda in lots of trouble!" I yell as I run up to them in the little time I have to do so. Scar then breaks through the wall that Ed made. He looked at Ed and me with pure anger. Ed was not moving so I grabbed both of the boys arms and ran for it! We were heading down the stairs when he landed in front of us. We stopped dead in our tracks. "No you don't." Scar said as his had started shooting lightning at us and made the ground under us crumble. I takes this chance to strike scar. I jump the rocks and land on the side of the building and clap my hands at shoot black lightning at him. He stubbled a bit but made the building crumble even more so next thing I know all three of us were falling. I landed face first on the stairs that were right in front of scar. "Al, y/n! Grab on! " Ed yelled to us and transmuted a thing of rock to get us out of there but scar got us and broke the thing of rock. Ed, Al, and me were tumbling down the street. We got up and started running."Damn it, what the hell is this guys problem...?! Making enemies isn't something that I--well...I never really avoided it. But he shouldn't be trying to kill us for no reason!" Ed yelled as we ran. "That's scar! He kills state alchemists! That's why I tried get you guys out of here!" I yelled to Ed. All three of us ran down a alley. But he caught us and freakin blocked the other side of the alley. We were trapped. "As long as there are 'creators' like you in the world, there must also be destroyers." Scar said. "Then it looks like we're gonna have to fight" I said. Ed clapped his hands and made a spear. I got ready to snap my fingers and send lightning to kill him. I wasn't so happy about being killed.

Ed, Al, and I started attacking. I snapped my fingers but he managed to block every hit I made. And blocked Ed and Al's attacks too. Then completely exploded Al's whole side. "Al!" Me and Ed shouted. "You bastard!" Ed shouted. Scar grabbed Ed's arm and said "to slow". "Ed!" I yelled then scar destroyed Ed's arm. Thank goodness it was his auto mail arm. "Brother...! Run away!" Al yelled to Ed. I then got Nobody hurts people I care about and lives. I took out my knifes and through them at him. I managed to cut his left arm. He turned around and went for me. I back up to a wall. He's right in front of me. He's about to kill me when I hear a gun shot. We all look and I see mustang and his crew. "You won't be killing anybody today, scar." Mustang said. "I'm taking you into custody, where you will answer for the murders of at least ten state alchemist." He continued. "Alchemist alter things from their natural form, perverting them to something else, something grotesque. They profane God, the true creator of all a agent of God...I am here to hand down his judgment. If you interfere, I will eliminate you as well." Scar said. I take this time to run to Ed. "Oh is that right?" Mustang smirked. "You guys stay out of it."

"Colonel this is the flame alchemist." Scar said as he went for mustang. I must have facepalmed like 50 million times. It's a rainy day. Mustangs only power is fire. He's doomed. But superhero Riza saves the day! Riza starts shooting at scar but scar jumps out of the way of each bullet. Roy yells at Riza for doing that and Riza say that he's useless on rainy days, which is true.

Major Armstrong comes along and try's to hit scar...but scar blocks. Then some soldiers come to where Ed and me are. "Help him out of here" I tell the soldiers. I then run to Al but I don't think I can do much. I look at scar and Armstrong. I feel like I have to do something but my left arm Is to weak. Riza starts shooting at scar and gets his glasses. He's... "Of course! He's an Ishvalan!" Mustang said. Scar destroyed the street and is now in the sewers. Then Ed runs to where Al and me are "hey Al! Talk to me! Are you ok?" Ed asked. Al punches Ed and yells at him. "Why didn't you run away when I told you too?! What kind of idiot are you?" "No way! I'm not just gonna run away and leave you behind!" "Which is exactly why you're an idiot!" Al yells then punches Ed again. Oh brotherly love! " why do you keep punching me? If I ran away you could have been killed!" Ed said to Al. "And maybe I wouldn't have been...! Making the decision to die is something only a idiot does!" Al shouted. "Hey, easy on the Idiot stuff! I'm still your older brother, got it?!" Ed shouted back. "I'll say it all I want to!" Al pulls Ed up by his shirt. Then Al's arm comes off. "Great now my arm falls off because my brother is a big, fat idiot!" Al yells. "All right, shut up you two! Stop fighting!" I yell at them. Ed and Al look at me and stop fighting. Then they make up. Riza, Armstrong and havoc come and help us out.

We're back at headquarters and Ed tells me the we need to go to Resembool. Yay.

A/N: hope you guys liked it! Eat some cake while you wait for the next chapter!!!

Alchemical Sparks (Ed x reader) (FMAB) - ON A PRETTY SOLID HIATUS Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat