Chapter 4 (part 2)

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"Do you still have it here?!" I asked. Marcoh reached into his jacket and pulled out a red liquid that was held in a bottle.
"How can that be the stone? It's a liquid." Ed said to him. Just then Marcoh pulled off the top and started pouring the liquid out. Everyone gasped. The liquid started turning into the stone.
"The Sage's Stone... The Grand Elixir... The Celestial Stone... The Red Tincture... The Fifth Element... Just as the Philosopher's Stone is called by many names," Ed poked at the liquid/stone. "So it can take on many forms... It is not necessarily a stone. This in an incomplete product, however.... There's no way to know when it will reach its limit and become unusable." Marcoh explained.
"Finished or not, it will demonstrate plenty of power during the Ishvalan Civil War, right?" Ed asked. Marcoh looked at him a little confused. "It's just like the stone that false priest had in Liore. It was incomplete but it still amplified his powers considerably." He continued. "If imitation stones this powerful can be produced, who's to say a complete product can't be created?" I cut in. Ed slammed his hand a against the table. "Please, Dr. Marcoh, I need to access to your research materials." Ed requested. (Is that the right word to use? Eh idk.) "Major... Who exactly is this boy?" Marcoh asked Armstrong. Armstrong looked at Marcoh. "This boy is a State Alchemist, doctor." He replied. "But he's only a child! And so is she!" Marcoh frustratedly grunted and pinched the bridge of his nose. "After the war, there were many State Alchemists who turned in their certifications because they refused to serve as human weapons any more. And now children...!" Marcoh said.
"You think we don't know what we've signed up for?!" I asked. "I don't know what I'm doing, but I don't have very much of a choice."
"If this is a mistake, then it's a mistake I have to make. There is no other way." Ed told him.


"I see... So you're committed the taboo? Amazing...the ability to transmute a specific person's soul like this." Marcoh said looking at Al who was still in his crate. Poor Al. "Maybe one as talented as you would be able to produce a complete Philosopher's Stone." He continued. "So...!" Ed got cut off by Marcoh. "But I can't show you my research."
"Why not?!" Ed asked. "You must not seek after the stone!" Marcoh said with his fists clenched.
"Not even to get our bodies back?" Ed asked. "Never! This is the devil's research." Marcoh told him. Ed clenched his teeth in anger. "If you chase the stone, you will go through hell!"
"I've already been through hell!" Ed shouted and he stood up from his seat. "Please... Please, just leave." Marcoh said. And so we left. As we were walking down the stairs Ed stopped and looked back to one of the windows then continued walking.


We were now at the train station waiting for our train. Out of boredom I started walking around.
"Are you sure about this Ed?" Armstrong asked Ed.
"Huh..?" Ed looked at him. "Even an incomplete Philosopher's Stone could be useful. You could have taken it from the doctor by force." He said to Ed. "Yeah... I wanted it so badly, I could almost taste it. But still..." Ed told Armstrong. "But still, we don't want it so badly that we'd be willing to deprive this town of their only doctor to get it." Al continued for Ed. "Plus, we've gained plenty by finding out that the Philosopher's Stone can be made." I said. Ed and Al nodded. "Now we'll just have to look for some other way to do it." Ed told Armstrong. The train arrived. We all stood up waiting to get on the train. "What about you, Major? How do you feel about not reporting back to Central about Dr. Marcoh's location?" Ed asked Armstrong. "All I met today was a simple small-town doctor name Mauro. There's no reason to report that." Armstrong replied. Ed laughed a bit.
"Wait!" We all looked over to see Marcoh, out of breath. Guess he was running. He stood up straight. "This is where my materials are hidden." He handed me a folded paper. "If you're sure you won't regret learning the truth in the end, start looking here. Look closely, maybe you'll find the truth hidden within the truth. But... I've said too much already." At this point I was pretty confused. "I hope the day will come when you are able to restore your bodies." Marcoh said as he walked off. "Hm." I hummed. Major and I saluted and Ed bowed. (?) We heard the train whistle blow and we boarded the train.
"(Y/N). What does the Nate say?" Al asked me. I unfolded the note and read, "National Central Library, First Branch."
"I get it. It's as if hiding a tree in the forest. Finding one specific book in that giant library will be difficult indeed." Armstrong said. I nodded. "Finally. Another clue about the stone!" Ed said.
We arrived to Resembool and started walking to Pinako's house. Pinako stood outside and called for Winry. "Hi Pinako!" I yelled. "Yo! Granny!" Ed exclaimed. "We're home!" Al yelled. "Oh dear, what have you three done now?" Pinako said. "A lot has happened." Ed said. " can you fix us up?" I asked. Armstrong set down the box Al was in and shook hands with Pinako. "This is Major Alex Louis Armstrong." Ed told Pinako. "I'm Pinako Rockbell." She said to Armstrong. "I know I haven't seen you for a while Ed.. But you've gone and grown smaller!" She said. I, being me, was absolutely dying when she said that. "'ve got it wrong. You're supposed to say "how big you've grown lately, Ed."" Ed correct her through clenched teeth. "But why would I say something s clearly untrue?" She responded. "I'M STILL TALLER THAN YOU, YOU MINI-HAG!!!" Ed yelled at Pinako. Just then, I was the poor unfortunate soul who was standing in front of Ed and got hit by a flying wrench. "AH FU**! Ow!" I looked up to see Winry. "DANMIT WINRY! Aim better next time will ya?! Hit Ed not me!" I yelled. "What?!" Ed yelled. "Oh! Sorry (Y/N)! I tried to get Ed. Ed, I thought I told you to call first when you're heading back here for maintenance!" Winry yelled. I was still rubbing the part of my head that still hurt from the wrench. "Are you trying to kill me?!" Ed yelled to her. "Shut it thumbelina! At least you didn't get a wrench to the head!!" I yelled at Ed. "THUMBELINA?!" Ed yelled at me. Winry laughed. "Welcome back guys!" Winry said as she smiled. She confuses me.
So that's this chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Sorry it was a bit later than I promised I was just getting through that last bit of school I had. Oh and thanks for the comments on my A/N. They really made my day. One more thing, should I change the cover or do you like it like that? Alright that's all. Bye see ya!

Alchemical Sparks (Ed x reader) (FMAB) - ON A PRETTY SOLID HIATUS حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن