Chapter 12 tony

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I woke up from my meditation session to the sound of blaring alarms. "What the hell is going on." I shout into my com link. "There is an incoming message from what may be and enemy ship." Said Colin the ships navigator/comms person. When I heard this I sighed. "Give me a minute to get down there." I replied. I for up and changed from my meditation gear in to my Jedi robes, my light saber belt and three light sabers and put on a cloak. when I reached the bridge things seemed to have calmed down a bit. At seeing the blank faces of my two companions Colin and The Dingus Master (aka Nathan). I said. "Well put them on." They did so and a strange figure appeared on the screen. "I am primus." The figure said. "I mean you no harm I am here to ask for your help, but please introduce yourselves."
"I am grand master Jedi Tony." I said. the black haired fellow on my right is master The Dingus Master other wise know as Nathan. and the blond haired fellow on my left is padawan Colin.
"Pleased to meet you all." Primus replied. "I was good friends with all your parents they were good people god rest their souls. now about that help.
"Oh yes do tell." I said.
"On a planet called earth a horrible thing has occurred ending in the deaths of billions of innocent people. And the last survivors need your help. See their group was about 13 or 14 strong of humans but do to unfortunate events that occurred they are down to eight humans and have lost their leader. And that I where you come in I need you grand Jedi master Tony to lead them to victory."
"We'll do it." I replied.
Three months later
"We have reached the planet earth master." said Colin. "Good." I replied. "Now let's find those humans he wanted us to find. And lead them to victory."

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