Time To Confess

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Me: Hey guys! So I heard that there are people who actually like this story and want me to update it, so I am now, but this might be the last chapter because it is the party night... Also I will be writing a new story for a friend of mine, which is Soar To The Sky: The Ultimate Ride. Hope you enjoy this and the new story soon.


Bruce: She does not own Marvel...Enjoy the story.


I woke up a few hours ago feeling both nervous and glad. Glad because soon I have to give Rogers his so-called, diary back. And Nervous because I have to confront him when he starts asking why I took the diary and how I got it in the first place. I will just simply say, I got curious and wanted to know the life of the super solider. Soon he might ask if I read the last few parts where he said he liked. I'll just say, no I didn't because I respect part of your privacy. Yes, that's going to slip up sooner or later. It's already the evening of Starks get together party and Thor is already up there, I can hear his laugh boom. I was putting on the other earring when Pepper knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said. Soon Pepper walked in wearing a red cocktail dress with long sleeves and a diamond necklace that I bet Stark got for her. I gave her a smile and stood up.

"Oh Nat, you look gorgeous!" Pepper said and smiled, I rolled my eyes and got my cardigan.

"You know what you should be calling gorgeous? Yourself" I told her with a snicker, when she turned away from me, I quickly grabbed the diary from the drawer and hid it under my cardigan, wrapping it up.

"So are you ready to go?" She asked me, I turned to her and gave her a smile, nodding.

"Yeah, let's go, wouldn't want to keep the guys waiting up there..." I told her. We went out, down the hall into the elevator and up to the party room.

Once the elevator doors open, music can be heard, stories and jokes being are told, especially Rodney's stories. Thor was drinking with some random people Stark invited. Barton was with his wife Laura, snuggling with her while talking to Maria. Bruce and Tony are talking at the bar about scientific junk, and Steve...Wait... Where is Steve?

"Hey Nat" I jumped a little but it was not noticeable to the captain behind her. I turned around and held the diary covered with the cardigan close to me and I smiled at him in his blue man shirt and black slacks.

"Hey Rogers, you look spiffy" I told him and he chuckled, rubbing his neck, a hint of pink on his cheek.

"Oh... Thanks Tasha..." He told me. Soon Tony called Stark over for a drink, and Pepper called me over to chat with two drinks, one for me and one for her.

The night went on, as Stark planned, this time, no peace-trying robot crashing the party.  Soon, I was staring out the window of Stark tower, still holding the diary to my chest like it was my baby. I looked at them trying to lift Thor's hammer again and gave a giggle, an actually girl giggle when Steve tripped a little. I found it cute.

"Should I...or shouldn't..." I told myself and looked at my cardigan

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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