Is that....really you?

19 1 0

Midnight pov
I was called to nezus office alone and I am freaking out. I haven't done anything wrong, or did I? I got to the door and before I could knock, the door opened. "Tsukauchi called, he needs you to go to _________ hospital" nezu said. "Ok" I started to walk to the hospital, it took me 13 minutes to get their.

When I entered I saw Tsukauchi motioning for me to follow him, I started to follow him untill he stopped outside a door.

"Do you remember your sister, inko" the detective asked.

"Ofcourse I do" I replied.

"Do you remember her son"

"Yes, the last time I saw him was when he was 2 weeks old, why"

"Just walk through the door"

I walked through the door and my eyes landed on a teenager hair.

" that......really you"

"Hi aunt midnight"

Tears started to run down my face, I was so happy I can see him.

"Don't cry aunt midnight"

I ran to him and I gave him the biggest hug ever. "I missed you so much izuku, how's your parents" I asked, I stopped hugging him and he looked sad.

"Dad left.....when I was 4 years old"

"And inko"


Izuku started to cry

"I was going to run in to save her....but....but....she was outside already dead"

"How.....did she die" I asked, I started to cry aswell.

"I was walking home....I saw smoke near where we lived....I started to run but when I got home, it was on fire, she was never meant to be at home, she was meant to be at work, safe, happy, and alive"

"How old are you sweetie"?

"12 yea-ars old-d" he was still crying.

20 minutes later
I got izuku to stop crying, he fell asleep. I walked out of the room and the detective was still their. "Do you know who done this" I asked. I was angry, my sister was killed.

"I looked at the cameras nearby and it caught 3 people, in......Aldera Junior High uniforms" the detective voice lowered.

"Is something wrong"? I asked.

"Izuku goes to Aldera Junior High, I think......he might of been the target".

Flower BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora