Dear diary pt1

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Izuku pov
Dear diary,

The date is 15 July (insert year) I am now 13 years old. This is the day after my mom died, I stopped celebrating my birthday at age 4, but still, mom always got me things for my birthday but now she is dead. I have no intentions of telling anyone when my birthday is and I will keep it like that.

I am now living with my moms older sister, midnight, I will not write down her real name because this can get in to the wrong hands. I am still in the hospital, I will be let out tomorrow to go live with my aunt. I finally got my quirk yesterday, turns out this quirk has no name so I can name it, thorns started to grow out of my arms and I am trying to control them to go away.

I have decided to name my quirk 'Flowers And Thorns' (FT for short) (I think you know why I didn't add the A) (but if you don't here it is) (FAT). Now you know why I will call it FT.

12 minutes ago men in suits left the hospital room I was in, they said they are in this organisation called U.Q, (Useless quirks) and said that my quirk was useless. They tried to inject something into me but the detective and midnight came in and got them out.

—Izuku Midoriya

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