When You're Sad

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Lil Rob

He will take you skating with him alone and encourage you to let loose and forget what's bothering you through skating.


He will listen and try to give you advice as best as possible and will stay with you for the day instead of going skating with the guys if he sees you truly need his company.

Jay Jay

He will bad mouth the person who made you upset and will give you tons of compliments to cheer you up.

Emo Crys

He will listen and will let you cry on his shoulder before suggesting you two go find something you like to do together to get your mind off of it if giving advice does not work.


He will listen before giving you reassurance that it is okay and he is there whenever you need him to be before later pranking the person who made you upset.

Jack Knife

He will be unsure how to handle the situation but will listen to you before asking if you feel better now that you've had a chance to let your feelings out and then later takes you for Froyo Mama's.

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