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November 7th, 1983; Mirkwood

"I can't believe you've convinced me to do this." Windy groans as she follows the group of middle schoolers down the dark road.

"Would you rather I go in here without you?" Dustin fires back at her.

Windy rolls her eyes, "No."

Mike suddenly stops, "Why are we stopping?" Lucas questions. Mike doesn't reply, looking off into the dark woods where police tape can be seen. Lighting fills the sky, breaking all their gaze making all the boys realize that it is a lot more serious than before.

"Oh man. You guys feel that?" Dustin chimes, holding his hand out as a few drops of water fall from the sky. "Maybe we should go back?" he suggests as they begin their trek in the woods.

"No splitting up, or anything stupid like that, but stay on channel six. Just in case." Mike tells the others before continuing forward, going under the caution tape. Lucas was quick to follow.

Dustin looks at his sister before letting out a sigh, "Hey, guys, wait up! Wait for us!" he shouts before rushing forwards with his sister in tow.

As they continue into the dark woods, thunder, lightning, and now rain surround them; soaking them. "Will? Will?!?!" Mike shouts into the forest.

"Byers!?" Lucas shouts.

"William!" Windy yells out.

"I've got you X-men 134!" Dustin shouts as well.

They receive no response.

"Guys, I really think we should turn back-" Dustin tries to convince his friends.

"Seriously, Dustin, we already let your sister come along with us, if you want to be a baby, just go home already." Lucas argues with him.

"Hey, it's not just Will that's missing, you ass, so cool it." Windy defends her brother.

"I'm just being realistic, Lucas- Wait," Dustin pauses to look towards his sister, "Who else is missing?"

"Bella." Windy says, making all the boys look at her stunned.

"What?!" All three of them question in a shout.

"Well, she wasn't at school, or at home. We can't find her anywhere." Windy starts to explain.

Dustin's eyes widened, "And last time I saw her, she was taking Will home..." he says as if putting the pieces together.

"Exactly." Windy confirms.

"You ever think Will and Bella went missing because, you know, they ran into someone bad? And now we're going to the place where they were last seen, and we don't even have weapons or anything-" Dustin was listing off in a slight panic.

"Dustin, Shut up." Mike tells his friend as he continues forward.

"I'm just sayin', does that seem smart to you?" Dustin sasses.

"Shut up!" Mike says before stopping his movements, "You guys hear that?" he questions them.

They all pause to listen, listening past the rain; suddenly the bushes around them rustles. Everyone tenses, slowly with their flashlights they turn, pointing the light at a bald, wide eyed little girl.

Later that night, Wheeler's Basement-

"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?" Mike asks the out of breath, dripping wet, frightened girl who is sitting on the couch in Mike's basement.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin was quick to ask.

Windy was fast to smack the back of his head, "You don't ask people if they have cancer."

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