0.1 - 248 days before

28 3 1

 "Excuse me?" I raise my eyebrows, trying to keep my voice down.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, are you deaf? Or maybe just stupid?" She says cockily. "I'm sitting here, find a new spot or park your ass." Her loud voice finishes and I cringe.

 I ponder her proposition for a while before taking a step forward. I can smell her perfume. Or maybe the cinnamon smell is just the remnants of her breakfast falling from her slightly open mouth. I stare at her lips a while before taking another step and falling to my ass in a painful crash. I blink quickly, trying to figure out what happened. "It's not nice to stare." The girl in front of me smirks, her small hand releasing mine.

 She pulled me onto the fucking floor. I sigh, adjusting myself farther away from her and running my fingers through my flattened hair. I rub my bum awkwardly, curling my knees up to my chest and opening my book again.

 It was quiet for a while, no sound except for the flipping of pages and the quiet hums falling from her rose coloured lips. I was so wrapped up in the black and white pages of my book that I didn't notice she had crawled closer to me and laid her head on my broad shoulder until her voice sounded again, much softer than before."What book is that?" She asks me, her eyes trained on the pages.

 "What?" I ask, almost shrugging her off but thinking better of it as she would probably hit her head on the bookcase behind us. That would be rude.

 "What. Book. Is. That?" She asks me as if I'm stupid.

 I suppose I sound that way."Sense and Sensibility." I mutter, feeling self conscious about my literature choice as her eyebrows furrow and a devilish smile takes over her features.

 "You literally sound like an emotional wreck." She laughs, shaking her head. "Are you even a guy?"

 "Um, last time I checked?" I ask more than say.

 "So you jack off?" She giggles.

 "Um, no?" I say lamely, my voice raising, like, ten octaves as she lays her hand on my jean clad thigh.

 "I'm not sure I believe that." A smirk plants itself on her pink lips and for a moment I think she's going to kiss me. I think that we're going to make out in a library, maybe even more. Maybe she'll want to be friends with benefits, I've always heard about those. But the moment passes and she retracts her hand from my leg.

 She grabs the book and pulls something out of her pocket. A pen. A blue pen at that, looks brand new but I know its not from the amount of bite marks on the cap.This fucking girl.

 She moves some books on the shelf behind us, pushing the pen down and scrawling out something. "This is my spot." She says simply before shoving the book she was reading in between two others and walking out with a sway of her hips.

 I furrow my eyebrows, leaning over to the shelf and reading what she carved into the wood.

 I knew you'd look. -Mystery Girl

 "This fucking girl." I mutter to myself, grabbing the blue pen from the shelf, knowing full well she left it on purpose. I scribble my name into the wood behind me and stand up. "My spot." I say before walking out of the library and back home.

 Once home, I practically run to my room to escape my mum's questions. I love her and all but she drives me absolutely up a wall. Before I can get my door all the way shut, I hear it. "Lucas Robert Hemmings." She yells and I know I've done something wrong.

 Fuck, she used my middle name.

I step out of my room, pushing my fingers through my hair awkwardly. "Yes, mum?" I ask as kindly as I can whilst she barrels down the hall towards me.

"Where have you been?" She hisses at me and I simply shrug.

"Library." I say.

"Why?" She asks and I sigh heavily.

"I like the library, mum." I mumble.

"You need to make friends here, Lucas. We'll be staying for a while."

"I don't need friends. I'm perfectly okay by myself." I roll my eyes

We've had this conversation at least 7 times since moving to London last week. I don't want friends, they're just an added pressure to my already collapsing life.

"You have to make at least on friend by Saturday. I'm throwing a dinner party." My mum says and kisses me on the cheek. "I want you to be happy here, Luke. It's a new start for all of us." Her voice is calm, not a hint of malice behind her words.

"I know." I mumble but I don't want to believe it. I want to go back to Sydney with my friends and everything else that I remember. This place it weird, different and I don't like it.

I retreat back into my room when my mum trots into her own. I walk to my bed, sitting down on the dark blue duvet and sighing loudly. Something about this place just gives me the creeps. Maybe some rest will calm my nerves.



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