0.3 - 246 days before

12 1 3

The girl wasn't in the library this morning.

I'm not upset about it. I finished reading all of The Tale of Two Cities before noon and now I have nothing to do. I guess I could walk around town a bit, get some fresh air and find my way around better. Or, I could follow my mother's orders and make a friend before the dinner on Saturday.

Or, I could walk around town.

I get halfway to the town square before deciding the growling in my stomach is not going away any time soon. I look around for a place to eat and smile when I realize where I am. A few short blocks from my apartment and a skip, hop, and a jump away from that bakery. I think I saw that they had deli sandwiches. Maybe I could ask Michael if he would come to the party with me. Two birds, one stone.

There's nobody in the bakery when I get there. Only the owner and his granddaughter again. So much for that bright idea. I make a point to keep my head down, embarrassed to be the only one in here for some odd reason. 

"How can I help you?" A familiar voice asks me. I'm highly confused at this point, because the voice belongs to a female. I look up and take in a sharp breath. "Oh my god, Luke? Are you stalking me?" The girl from the library laughs at me, making my cheeks tinge a darker color.

"Sorry, no... I, uh.."

"Words, Lucas. There's roughly 1,025,109 of them in the English language." She says and I try to swallow the lump in my throat. "Point 8."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"1,025,109.8 words."

"Oh. Cool."

"It is really cool. And people are still coming up with words to this day. But if you ever tell me that 'bae' is a word I'll have to slap you."

"Is that the point 8 of 1,025,100 words?" I chuckle slightly, crossing my arms.

"It's 1,025,109 words, smart ass. And no. It's just a rough estimate of words." She sighs, taking a pen and a piece of paper from her pocket. "What can I get you by the way? I assume you're here for food." 

My stomach growls at the mention of food and I nod my head. "Just give me something with bacon on it. I don't really care."

She nods her head, writing something down. "Are you allergic to anything, Luke?" She raises an eyebrow and I shake my head.

"Oh, wait, don't put any Marmite on it... Last time I ate it I broke out in hives." I mumble.

"Marmite doesn't cause hives. You probably had an allergic reaction to a plant of some sort you came in contact with."

"Aren't you the expert."

"I should be. I'm studying to be a nurse." She shrugs, turning on her heal and walking to the back of the shop.

I roll my eyes, walking over to one of the tables and sitting down. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I immediately know it's my mother. I don't have any friends, after all.

Birth Giver - Me

Be home by 16:00. Jack wants to see Finding Dory and that's the only time it's playing today.

Me - Birth Giver

Kay, I'm at the bakery down the street. Want anything?

Birth Giver - Me

No, Ben wants a cookie though. Thnk U.

I roll my eyes and smile at my phone. It would have taken her no time at all to type out 'Thank you.' but she insists on typing it like that every time. 

"Whatcha smilin at?" I jump, looking up at the girl who's sitting across from me. Another shit-eating grin is plastered on her face and it takes all of my might not to slap her with my phone. "Are you texting your girlfriend?"

Ha, I wish.

"No.. Uh, my friend invited me to a party." I lie, shoving my phone into my pocket.

"No shit, really? When is it? Can I come?"

"Do you invite yourself to other people's events often or...?"

She rolls her eyes at me and slides a plate with a hardy looking sandwich on it to me. "Just eat your sandwich and lose the 'tude."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I say, my mouth practically watering as I pick the sandwich up from the plate. I take a pretty large bite, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. An orgasmic hum vibrates from my throat, making the girl laugh. 

"Good, huh?" She giggles, leaning across the table. "Secret recipe." She smiles and I give her a thumbs up, too busy enjoying the sandwich to respond any other way. 

She watches as I eat for a while before I place the rest of the sandwich on the plate, rubbing my stomach. "I want to finish this so bad, but my stomach might explode."

"Hey," She smirks, "Look at it this way, if your stomach explodes, you could eat it all over again." 

"That's repulsive." I laugh, taking one last bite.

She giggles, laughing harder when I look up at her. "You have something on your mouth." She says, pointing to where it is but on her own face.

"Where? Did I get it?" I raise an eyebrow quizzically, chuckling. 

"No, it's like on your cheek." She shakes her head as I try to wipe it off, grabbing my hand it placing it down on my face. "Right there." She giggles, sinking back into her chair.

"Thanks." I laugh, wiping it from my face and then onto a napkin. 

"God, that was so cheesy. But I couldn't, like, let you walk around with mayo on your face. You would embarrass me, Lucas. I'm now tied to you." 

"You're tied to me?" I question, running a clean hand through my hair.

"Yeah. We're friends now. There's no backsies after I make you my famous sandwich, Luke. That's how things work."

"Really?" I laugh, shaking my head. "So you're like a mermaid, but instead of leading men to their deaths by being attractive and stuff, you make them sandwiches. Neat."

"Are you trying to backhandedly say I'm unattractive?"

"Of course not!"

"So you think I'm attractive?" She raises her eyebrow suggestively and I groan.

"Whatever, you're so annoying." She laughs at me. 

"I'll get you a box and a cookie." She says, patting my head on her way to the counter. 

"Wait, how did you-"

"You know your mom could totally type out thanks in her texts messages. It's only one extra letter."

"Were you reading my messages?" I groan.

"And I expect you to take me to a party. You lied to me so now you owe me." She smirks.

I roll my eyes.



this was so fun to write idk why

shout out to @annabellerichards for being bomb af and motivating me to write <3

this was 1110 words. Not even close to 1,025,109.8 but whatever. I try.


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