Lyrics I relate to a little too much

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Disclaimer: These lyrics have dark themes including,  SA, BPD, Feelings of not being enough/ feeling the need to make sure everyone is happy with you, ED, And Suicide

Also, most of these are Ghost and Pals.

Uncanny: Ghost and Pals

Should I then believe my dealings? (Backed against a wall)

Spit it out, forget my feelings

Should I then believe my dealings? (Backed against a wall)

Hear me out, they're only feelings

Should I then believe my dealings? (Backed against a wall)

Attributes to my own doing

Should I then believe my dealings? (Backed against a wall)

Scrape it out, stare at the ceiling

Go away even if I cry

The burning shadows of human hands are

Far too much for a single life

The things I see are a dread I must withstand

Through sobs, "I feel too wrong" (On my own)

Uncanny all along.

Appetite of a People Pleaser: Ghost and Pals

I'll eat 'em all, the thoughts of anyone I'll ever meet

Just to make them happy

Wondering why I'm a burden, or so it seems

Aren't I everything?

Maybe if I try a little harder, it will be okay

One day

Keep on eating more and more

Divide my life away

Into servings

And go beyond the point of no return

I know I'm subservient, but all of this is necessary

Sometimes my appetite is violently contrary

Irreconcilable perceptions appeal to my obsessions

The nausea is overwhelming

Whether I've been caramelized or rotten to the core

Which one should I be?

'Cus I dunno who I'm supposed to be anymore

And it's sickening

I'll overeat the implications of your thoughts

Just to make you happy

Nonetheless, I feel my insides are tied in knots

Aren't I more than everything?

I'm a recipe for entropy

I'm too overwhelming

Give me your validation

I can taste your apprehension

These flavors of personality are

Hindering my likeability

My impulsive desire, my appetite has

Spoiled my urge to satisfy

Everyone will like me more without it

Everyone will like me more without it

Now that I've become the perfect identity

Take a bite of me

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