Miss Young

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Miss Young, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.
Miss Young, I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
Miss Young, I'm sorry you were thrown away and discarded.
I'm sorry you're in an untrustworthy hand.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you depart.
I'm sorry someone you trusted betrayed you without a second thought.
I'm sorry no one came to save you.
I'm sorry those who did, didn't stay around.
I'm sorry the person who did this to you cried like they were the victim.
I'm sorry no one noticed you gone.
I'm sorry I made a wreck of your heart.
I'm sorry he gave you hope.
I'm sorry no one noticed your suffering.
You were still and silent like a doll. The shot that burned your heart, burned down to your feet.
When the pain made it to your head, why did you cry?
You cried out in pain, begging for someone to save you.
When they did, you were unmoving and weak.
They were gone.
To you, everything was gone. Nothing mattered as it should.
Everything you had known was gone with a small sentence.
For you, it may seem like a dream. A dream here and passed. A dream you never thought you would lose.
A dream you had already forgotten.
That's why it meant so much to you.
The memory of the box. The box of dreams and child-like fun.
Sir adolescence.
You were unmoving and broken. A clock that could not tick.
The timer was up. People had moved on. No cared to fix what could not be mended.
You were happy and full of everything great.
But you unknowingly opened Pandora's box.
You went from the happiest child. To one of a broken tree.
A tree that you would hang yourself from.
...How can I have come this far, just to fall in a hole..?
To fall with no energy to stop it.
When I let the cold dark earth caress my every dead movement.
Where was my husband to make it better..?
To save me from my naive child-like self..?
Where was the innocence I once had..?
Why was anything lost to hands who could not be trusted..?
To those who were lost, you meant everything to Miss Young.
She loves you with her whole heart.
She never wanted to let you go.
Margaret, you were given as a gift, a promise. A father's love can only go so far.
You never met him. But you had hope.
Hope only lives if you believe. When you stopped believing, everything crumbled.
Everything was gone..
Miss Rodriguez.
I'm sorry you had to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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