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No! Not possible. It is impossible for Barbadians' to have the same powers. So he or she can't have the same power as me right? And besides that,... even I can't move that fast... and I am really fast. As I was thinking all this, I took a glance at my watch. 07h30! woah...I was late! My boss is going to be sooo angry!

Well, no time to take the bus! I guess I will be running to work today...I put my heels in my bag and ran out the door. Not before cleaning up the kitchen first, since I now had a little extra time. i gathered up a small bunch of iris's and decided to take them to work with me. I would keep them on my office table. All the while wondering who tis mysterious person could be... and why they would go through all the trouble of doing this?

It was 07h45 when i finally got done cleaning and was ready to leave. I got out the front door, made sure no one was watching and zoomed off to work, being no less that a slight breeze to any pedestrians I passed along the way. There was a little alley way alongside the building where I work, and I safely stopped there, away from any curious eyes.


Just so you know... I work for a fashion magazine called "My Style". I am one of a few lucky PA's that work there, and I simply love it! I had always had a passion for fashion. And being an intern meant doing what I love, learning from the best, and best of responsibility! Which is perfect when your not really a part of this world...


I quickly put my heels back on. It would have been nice if I had running shoes, but anything you can buy at a shop would never last, given the speed at which I run. Barefoot is best for me. I walked into the main entrance and checked in at the front desk... only to 'check in' for another surprise...

I went into the office, and there on my desk was another surprise. There was another note waiting for me on my desk. "Did you like the flowers" it read. "I guess you did", not a note this time, but from a deep and resonant voice behind me. I turned around startled, looked up, "Clifford?" The question escaped my lips a little louder than a whisper. Or a squeak?

"Good morning, Annalees."

"Hello sir"

By this point you could imagine my confusion.

"I guess you liked the iris's? They are your favorite right?"

It was hard to focus on what he was saying, as the sound of his voice kept sending shivers down my spine. But the fact that he was connected to this mornings 'incident' had me wary.

"Y...yes, uhm thank you...but how...and when..."

"How about we talk about it over dinner?"


Dinner! He asked me out! What do I do? This situation is crazy right? I feel so tongue twisted, I don't even know what to say right now...


Well, being so confused, I just barely managed to nod my head in response. It seemed to be enough, he smiled and turned around to leave as silently as he had just come in. "haaa'. I wasn't sure what just happened but I did know that now I had a dinner date with Clifford this afternoon. I floated through the day, doing everything with a smile on my face. This day really couldn't get any better. 

"Someone's in a good mood today? You look like the cat who got the cream."

"Oh hi James."


Now you must be wondering... 'whose James?' Let me introduce you to James. He is easily one of my closest friend here at 'My Style' Magazine, but also coincidentally is also a long time childhood friend. We met when I was 5 and he was 6. He was getting beat up by Jeremy and his gang of idiots, and I was his knight in shining armor.

I happened to be standing behind Jeremy at the time and his wallet was sticking out his pocket. So I 'called' it, and the called out to Jeremy. "Hey Jeremy...Look what I've got?" He half looked at me, not really interested in what I was showing him,...until that is, when what I had in my hand caught his attention. "You thief! Give that back" He cried out, quickly letting go of James, and bringing his full attention to me. By that time however I was already above he nearest drain, ready to drop the wallet in.

"Let James go first." 

"Oh...So you want to save your boyfriend?" he smirked at me

That was enough of that. I let go of the wallet.

"okay okay. I am sorry. We'll let him go. Just 'call' it back okay?" He looked like he was about to cry now.

"Let him go first"

As soon as they did, he ran over to me. "Thanx Annalees." He was roughed up and shaking, but didn't seem hurt too bad.

"Hey hogwart, take you silly wallet, but remember... If you don't want to see this embarrassing picture of you and your girlfriend pasted all over the school, you will leave James and I alone from now on."

"Fina Annalees, but this is blackmail you know."

"I know, and your a bully." I retorted. And with that he left, trying to wipe the muck off his wallet and see if all his money was safe.

After primary school, we never really saw each other back then, and I doubt he really remembered me using my 'call' ability coz he never asked about it. He must have been too traumatized whilst being beaten up. His parents moved away, and it was only until I started working here, I immediately recognized a James with emerald green eyes and midnight black hair. Who would have thought he would be working here as a PA? And so we were reunited. Its a pity he wasn't a Barbadian he was really hot!

I think once upon a time, when we were young. I had the biggest crush on him. But I could never tell him that. It would be so awkward! I always thought, what if he didn't like me...I was quite the tomboy, and awkward growing up and feeling so different...


"So why are you so happy?" he pressed on. He was like a dog with a bone when he was curious. He just wouldn't let go...

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