two. sam and tara

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✧ — act i

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✧ — act i. blinding lights

CHAPTER TWO — sam and tara

SAM QUICKENED HER PACE as she continued to chase after her sister, "Tara, will you stop!" Hayden and the others silently followed behind, not wanting to get involved.

"I can not believe you did that. You embarrassed me," Tara spoke from over her shoulder.

"That guy was a dick! He was going to take advantage of you."

Tara stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face Sam, "So?" The girl screeched, "If I want to hook up with an asshole that's my decision. It's my decision."

Hayden dropped her shoulders and sighed heavily as the two sisters continued to bicker back and forth.

"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are!" Tara snapped at Sam which caused the girl to take a step back with a wounded expression on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Hayden elbowed Chad in the side, encouraging him to stop the Carpenter sister's from going any further. "Hey guys! Come on-"

It was no use. Tara's words continued to spill out, "I'm not going to let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life." Tara finally gazed back at her friends, "Right Hayden?"

Hayden opened her mouth but no words came out, instead she gave a little nod.

"Just trying to look out for you," Sam spoke quietly, shaking her head at her sister. Tara ran her hands over her face and lowered her voice.

"I know. I know you are...but you can't do it for the rest of my life though." Tara remained eye contact with her sister as the tension between the two began to decrease, "You have to let me go."


The group let out gasps as a random girl threw her drink all over Sam's sweater, drenching her in it as the girl screamed, "Murderer!"

Hayden was ready to lunge for the girl but Ethan grabbed onto her waist and pulled her back. "What the fuck is wrong with you, bitch?!" Sam shoved the girl away and was held back by Chad and Tara.

One of the girls had her phone out, recording the incident. Hayden went for the phone, knocking it from the girl's grasp. The girl pushed Hayden back and just as the blonde girl was about to take a hit, Chad moved forward, "Hayden! Stop!"

"You guys should stay away from her. She knows what she did!"

Sam moved forward again, and Mindy held her away from the girl as she argued back in pure frustration and anger, "I didn't fucking do anything!"

The group of girls stalked off, laughing to themselves in the distance. Tara did not want to linger around any longer, instead she walked off. Anika, Chad, Mindy and Hayden following behind her. Hayden turned around, and began to walk back for her boyfriend who stood with Sam, handing her a few tissues to hopefully clean herself up a bit. Hayden grabbed Ethan's hand and dragged him away from Sam's frustration.

As the couple walked away, Ethan's gaze remained on Sam. Hayden stared at the boy and nudged him gently, bringing his attention back to his girlfriend.

"Are you okay?" Hayden asked, lacing their fingers together.

"Yeah, are you?" He asked in return. Hayden nodded her head and sighed. Now that all the adrenaline had wore off, she had noticed how intoxicated she was.

"I am so ready for bed. Are you staying the night?"

"If you want me to," Ethan nodded but continued to ask, "Isn't it your sleepover night with Anika?"

"Anika won't mind! You two are practically best friends now," Hayden smiled gesturing to Anika's hat that Ethan wore. "I hope you know that no one will be able to replace me, not even you."

Ethan sucked in a breath and gritted his teeth together, "I don't know, Anika did mention how she prefers my company over yours."

Hayden paused for a moment and let out an offended gasp, "Liar!" She narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend before jogging ahead to the rest of the group. Chad noticed Hayden's appearance and threw his arm around her while Ethan observed from behind. He couldn't help but miss the warmth of his girlfriend's hand interlaced with his.


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Authors Note: I am super excited to write about Hayden and Anika's friendship. As well as some jealously involving Hayden, Chad and Ethan.
- ghost

word count: 746

published: 1/4/2023

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