Chapter Two: Kithood in the Early Days

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It had been about 2 moons since the clans established, and life was a breeze. The birds sang out, and the camp echoed their chirps. Dunekit had finally learned to speak by now. She stretched outwards of the fine moss beds of the nursery, yawning. She was 3 moons old now, weaned and healthy. As she chewed on a juicy mouse, she began to ask her mother, Oakweb, a few questions.
"Mamma, when can I be an apprentice?"
"When you reach 6 moons old. It'll be about 3 moons away."
"3 WHOLE MOONS?!" She squealed. "I wanna be an apprentice now! 3 moons is so far away!" Dunekit pouted.
"Dunekit, don't be so loud! You'll wake Pigeonwing." Oakweb stated. Pigeonwing was her best friend. They'd been neighbors since they were kits, and now Pigeonwing was due for kits very soon.
"Sorry mamma" Dunekit Said, halfheartedly. "But I'm ready to be an apprentice! Why can't I be one now!?"
"I don't make the decisions around her, Dunekit. Why don't you go complain to your brother? I'm sure he'd just love to talk about it." Oakweb suggested, exhausted.
Dunekit let out a small "hmph" before walking away, taking her mother's advice. In the cave clearing, she found her brother, Astralkit, who was playing with Redkit, a non-binary cat. Redkit had glowing yellow eyes, and a black base. Their paws looked as if from their elbows down, they'd dipped them in orange paint, and then put intricate, darker orange stripes on them. Their tail and the tips of their ears seemed the same.
"Hello Astralkit! Who's this with you?" Dunekit inquired.
"Hi Dunekit! This is Redkit. They're my friend." Astralkit replied.
"Uh, erm, hi." Redkit spoke, nervous.
"No need to be scared of me. I only bite on half moons!" Dunekit joked. With good humor, Redkit laughed along with her, and Astralkit followed.
"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" Astralkit asked his sister.
Oh yeah! Dunekit remembered. After playing with her new friend, she'd forgotten all about apprenticeship.
"Well," she began "I wanted to ask if you could help me convince mom that we're ready to be apprentices!"
"But we're only 3 moons" Astralkit interrupted.
"Not me" Redkit answered. "I'm 5 moons."
"Really?!?!" Dunekit said, with admiration. "You'll be an apprentice in no time! Don't forget about me when you're a big shot." She continued.
"I would never!" Redkit started, "but soon you'll have to call me Redpaw" they said, with a hint of arrogance.
"I'll be alright with that, but for now, you're just Redkit, got it?" Dunekit assured them.
"Mhm" they replied.
By now, the sun was just dipping below the trees. Dunekit and Astralkit rushed back to Oakweb and slept, glad to be in CrystalClan. They each dreamt of their apprenticeship, which with no doubt, would arrive soon.
The next day, Dunekit slept in a bit. She didn't want her dream to end anytime soon. But of course, she had to wake up, as did any other living cat. This time, when she woke up, she met 3 new faces; Pigeonwing's kits! Dunekit couldn't help but purr at the adorable new additions to the clan: Featherkit, Cresskit, and Greenkit. Then, she padded away, ready to start the day. "Mamma, I'm going to the elders den. They should be awake by now, and I'd like to hear a story." She reported to her mother.
"Alright Dunekit. Don't be any trouble." Oakweb replied.
Obeying her mother, Dunekit waltzed into the Elders' den. While in there, she quickly walked to Goathorn, the elder she-cat who tolerated Dunekit the most.
"Goathorn, do you have any interesting stories to tell today?" Dunekit tilted her head.
"You know I always do." Goathorn said. "Did I tell you about when I fought that dog?" She asked. Just then, Lakepaw trotted in, changing the moss beds. "I've heard that one about a million times." Lakepaw retorted. Lakepaw was Goathorn's grandchild, and was the closest to her. "Let me have some fun, Lakepaw." Goathorn replied, prepared to tell her story.
"I've never heard your story. You can go ahead." Dunekit said.
"Anyways," Goathorn started. "It all started when I was young; 22 moons to be exact. At that time, I was a stray." Dunekit intently listened, quite fascinated by the old cat as she continued to speak. "I wandered the streets, begging for food, and resorting to scraps. It was terrible! By the time I had spent 1 moon as a stray, my ribs showed clearly through my skin. I noticed after a while, a dog had been following me. It was terrifying! Instead of running like a coward, I stood in front of the beast, preparing to fight, and I did! I left the battle with many scars, but I live to tell the tale! Dogs aren't so tough after all." She finished.
"Wow! That's so cool!" Dunekit murmured. "Alright, I'm off to play with Astralkit and Redkit. See you soon, Goathorn!"
Goathorn nodded as Dunekit ran off, excited to frolic with her friends.
Dunekit found Astralkit and Redkit just outside of the camp. "Hi Astralkit, hi Redkit." Dunekit yelped. "Are we allowed to be out of camp?" She asked.
"Yeah" Redkit replied. "I'm sure of it. My mom said so."
"Nice!" Dunekit said. She'd never been outside of camp, other than when the tornado hit, of course. It was a bit cold, but nothing her fluffy coat couldn't handle. She took in the fresh air, and knew she was meant to be here, in CrystalClan. She climbed atop the camp entrance and sat, opening her mouth to taste the fresh air. By now, the moon glittered in silverpelt, and she knew she must go inside to sleep, so she did, with Astralkit and Redkit following her. tomorrow, she and Astralkit would be 4 moons old, and Redkit would be 6 moons, enough to be an apprentice. Astralkit, Redkit, and Dunekit had all been born on the same moon phase, the waning crescent. She wouldn't miss their ceremony for the world. She trotted towards the nursery, ready to fall into a peaceful sleep.
Dawn had arrived, and the clan, including Dunekit, was wide awake. Dunekit, Astralkit, and Redkit sat together under the towering rock, as Palmstar, the leader, climbed on top, and Yarrowfoot, the deputy, sat on the smaller rock below it. Palmstar opened his mouth to speak.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey should gather under the towering rock for a clan meeting." He stated, calmly. Though the three kits didn't know how to catch prey, they gathered anyways. They each turned their heads to face the wise leader. "On this fine morning, one kit has turned the age of 6 moons, and is ready to apprentice under a trustworthy mentor. Redkit, please rise." Obeying the leader's orders, Redkit climbed atop the rock, sitting beside Palmstar. Their eyes glittered with pride and excitement, as if they could see their future, bright and promising, right in front of them. Palmstar started to speak. "Eaglecry, I hereby entrust you to be the mentor of this promising cat, now to be named Redpaw. I hope you will pass your Skills onto your apprentice. Please rise." Eaglecry happily galloped up the rock, touching noses with her new apprentice. The clan began to chant the cats new name. "Redpaw! Redpaw! Redpaw! Redpaw!" They called out. Enthusiastically, they each jumped down, ready to start training. Astralkit and Dunekit padded away, not interested in knowing the patrols. Dunekit appreciated kithood, yet still couldn't wait to be apprenticed.
After 2 full moons of loafing around, it was Dunekit and Astralkit's ceremony day. They were both fully prepared, and 110% excited. At the crack of dawn, they woke the clan for their ceremony. Like when Redpaw was made into an apprentice, Palmstar climbed to the top of the towering rock, and Yarrowfoot sat at the boulder below it.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, join under the towering rock for a clan meeting." Palmstar announced. Astralkit and Dunekit trotted over, sitting directly under the towering rock. "Today, 2 kits have reached the age of 6 moons, and have earned their apprenticeship. Astralkit, Dunekit, please rise." The two small cats rushed to the very top of the rock, shaking with excitement. "Astralkit, I pronounce you Astralpaw, Training under your mentor, Pinksight. Pinksight, I entrust you with your very own apprentice, to train and pass your skills onto. You may rise." Pinksight paced herself, knowing she would train her new apprentice immediately after the meeting concluded, and crept up the rock, touching noses with her apprentice, Astralpaw. Palmstar spoke again. "Dunekit, I pronounce you Dunepaw. You will train under the guidance of our deputy, Yarrowfoot. I know you will become a fine warrior, as he passes his skillset to you, Dunepaw." Yarrowfoot rose to the top of the rock, touching noses with his new apprentice.
The clan started chanting their new names. "Astralpaw! Dunepaw! Astralpaw! Dunepaw!" Echoed in the clearing. As the meeting drew to a conclusion, Astralpaw, Dunepaw, Redpaw, and their mentors had been assigned to train together. This would be their first mission together, all as apprentices, and they all couldn't help feeling great.

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