Chapter Three: 3 Paws, 1 Prophecy

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It was day 3 of Dunepaw's apprenticeship, and she loved every second of it. Dunepaw found her new way of life to be suitable, specifically for her own personality. Yarrowfoot was a great mentor. Dunepaw trusted and relied on him. By now, she was beginning to learn how to fight, though she didn't like to. Dunepaw preferred hunting in every way. She found it more fun. Besides, she thought. I won't need to be great at it anyways. I'll just resolves issues by talking, like any other cat. She resorted. She dare not share her thought process with Yarrowfoot; he would just lecture her about the importance of every warrior duty, so, she kept to herself. Usually, Dunepaw was a slow learner, yet she had taken hunting very seriously, and excelled at it. In her opinion, it was the most important warrior task. How would the clans survive if nobody fed them?
On this peculiar morning, Dunepaw woke early at the sound of her mentor's voice. However, he wasn't talking to her; he was talking to Mottledwhisper. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to sleep once more, but curiosity took hold of her. I'll just listen she thought. It won't do any harm she concluded. Dunepaw shifted her ears towards the cats, listening.
"I know what I saw, Yarrowfoot." Mottledwhisper said, with unmistaken confidence.
"It's just a Dream, it can't mean too much." Yarrowfoot replied.
"Have I taught you nothing of clan cat ways? Of course dreams matter!" The medicine cat retorted. "It's a Message from StarClan! You're mouse-brained if you think, for even one second, StarClan doesn't matter." Mottledwhisper seemed upset.
"How are you even sure of what it means?" Yarrowfoot continued.
"I just know! Have a bit of trust in you, you old brute." Mottledwhisper talked. "3 paws, Yarrowfoot. Does that not mean anything to you?"
"Mottledwhisper, obviously it does. Why don't you talk to Wrenperch?" Yarrowfoot suggested.
"You idiot! Shes part of RapidClan!"
"Walking will do you good!"
Mottledwhisper, agitated, let out a low hiss, then walked away.
Dunepaw couldn't even guess what any of this meant. She didn't try. All she could feel was the weight of her eyelids crashing down on her, before drifting back to sleep.
Dunepaw didn't sleep for long. The sun glared into the cave, waking her from her sleep. "Ugh..." she groaned, tired, though not wanting to waste the day. She walked to the warriors den to say hello to her mother, Oakweb.
"Good morning Oakweb"
"Dunepaw, you can just call me mom. Don't be so formal. Good morning to you too."
Dunepaw nodded, then walked outside, hoping to find a nice vole. She decided to let her mentor rest for the day. She didn't know what his conversation with Mottledwhisper meant, but he sounded upset, and she didn't wish to bother him.
She took a whiff of the fresh mountain air, smelling a mountain hare. Perfect she thought. Dunepaw dropped into a hunting crouch, taking shelter in tall grass nearby. Soon enough, she spotted her prey. She was practically salivating over it. She watched it for a few moments, making sure it's ears weren't pricked. She remembered Yarrowfoot's lessons clear as day. In an instant, she leaped onto the rabbit, covering its mouth with her paws, and biting its neck, killing it. Dunepaw kept this up until she carried 3 rabbits into the prey pile. Afterwards, she took a few pieces, and ran to the elders den, feeding the once mighty cats.
Then, Dunepaw took a vole and sat beside Astralpaw and Redpaw.
"Hi," she muttered "how's training?"
"It's going well." Redpaw replied. "I bet I'll be the fastest cat in the clan someday."
"It's alright" Astralpaw added. "I'm starting to like clan life a bit more."
They each ate their food together, then left to practice fighting one another. Dunepaw was against Redpaw first. Astralpaw was the best fighter, so he decided to let them go first while he'd criticize their skills. Dunepaw circled around Redpaw, keeping low to the ground, and attempting to camouflage in the tall dead reeds near a small lake, newly created by the thaw of leaf bare. Redpaw followed her, stalking her in a way that made Dunepaw shiver. Then, in a quick movement, Dunepaw stopped, letting Redpaw get a bit too close, before sweeping their legs. Then, she turned around, jumping on Redpaw and holding him down until Astralpaw concluded she'd won.
"You know, Dunepaw, that trick shouldn't have worked. If Redpaw was bigger, or if he had noticed you stopping faster, he could've pounced on you, or flipped you over, exposing your belly fur. Don't try it in battle, ok?" Astralpaw said, a bit concerned.
Though Dunepaw was annoyed that he was acting like a know-it-all, she knew he was right, and nodded, accepting her loss.
"Redpaw, if you had acted faster, you would've won. You can't hesitate on a battlefield, got it?"
Redpaw seemed to copy Dunepaw, nodding as well.
The trio noticed the sun starting to set, but didn't go back to camp. Instead, Astralpaw proposed an idea.
"This is Perfect!" He said. "Let's play a training game;" he continued. "We'll all run in different directions, and we can't make a sound. We'll have to close our eyes too. Then, we'll have to find each other by scent. We'll start at moonhigh. Let's try it!"
Eager to try something new, Dunepaw agreed. Though anxious, Redpaw saw it as a good opportunity as well. Then, they began.
Dunepaw ran towards her favorite place; the tall grass, up in the mountains. She felt a flick of regret, but didn't act on it. She knew Astralpaw would think before putting her and Redpaw in danger, right?
She watched the moon climb up into silverpelt, a truly beautiful sight. She almost forgot of the game, yet was reminded when the moon reached its highest point. Then, she closed her eyes, breathing in the mountain air. Slowly, she walked down the mountain's slope, leading to The Valley below. She thought she detected the scent of Redpaw when she heard the thump of paws rushing out of camp. A sense of dread filled her body as a thought crashed into her mind: she hadn't told anyone where she was! The clan must've thought she and the others were dead, or something horrible happened!
"ASTRALPAW! REDPAW!" She yowled. She saw several flicks of movement in The Valley. She heard a response:
"Dunepaw! You ruined the game! You're not allowed to make noise." Astralpaw pouted.
"Mouse brain! You got us in trouble! There's a search party out for us! The clan thinks we're DEAD because of you, dimwit!" She insulted him. Horrified, the trio ran back to the camp, where Yarrowfoot, Eaglecry, Pinksight, Oakweb, and Palmstar waited at the entrance.
"StarClan, where were you all? We nearly thought you were dead!" Oakweb cried.
"Mom, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I was just trying to play a game..." Astralpaw said.
"It's ok. I don't have time to be mad. I'm just so happy that my kids are ok." Oakweb replied.
Palmstar looked at the apprentices, his eyes half closed. Even if they weren't fully open, the glared at the apprentices with disappointment. "We will decide your punishment tomorrow. Until then, neither of you are prohibited to leave the apprentice den. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Palmstar." They each replied in unison, before creeping to the apprentice den, shame glistening in their eyes.

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