Can You Hear Me?

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I still had a few hours before I had to meet Anna at the club, so I settled down with a good book and a bag of chips.

Just as I got hooked into the storyline, a loud ringing startled me.


I looked around, trying to figure out what that beeping sound was when my eyes collided with the lit up screen of the iPhone.

"Oh, that must be her ringtone." I sigh.

I look at the caller ID.


I picked it up.




The static was only getting louder. I tried calling out a few more times but still no response.

I was about to pull the phone away from my ear due to the loudness when - click.

Call ended

Must've been a mistake.

I was getting nowhere with this phone.

I went back to my book and spent a few blissful hours reading.

An hour before our meeting time, I pulled a shirt on over my head.

One that I had borrowed from Anna, of course.

And paired it with some black booty shorts. I put on flats, no way was I wasting a night in high heels and applied cherry red lipstick.

I had prepared as much as I wanted and was just about to head out the door when the phone rang again.


I annoyingly grab the phone off the couch and pick it up.

"Hello" I breathe in an aggravated voice.

There was nothing this time, no static, no nothing, but silence.

What was the problem with this thing? Maybe I should just take this to the police station in the morning and have them deal with it.

"Can you hear me?"

I yelped as the sound of a woman's voice came over the phone. I put the phone back up to my ear cautiously.

"Hello? Do you know who's phone this belongs to? I found it outside my apartment and -"


Call ended.

By this point I was angry.

Was someone playing a prank on me?

I tossed the phone back on the couch.

Enough of this. I thought to myself. I would deal with it when I got home.

Or maybe I'd let Anna deal with it. She was better at handling these types of things.

With that, I headed out the door and into the night.

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